Ghost city in China ? no way !

LoL ...freaking incredible 20 years infrastructure work done in 2 years !
They intend to move entire cities, something you people have no concept of the magnitude it involves ...stay tune on how you will be devoured here soon if you understand contrasts, like a tiger tearing up a chicken !

..and yes I was in this thread long before the first post, just waiting for what intelligent-not answers there would be, of course this is MR 1% to 99% dumb ones !

[ame=""]YouTube - Gory clip of tiger feeding on a live chicken[/ame]
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LoL ...freaking incredible 20 years infrastructure work done in 2 years !
They intend to move entire cities, something you people have no concept of the magnitude it involves ...stay tune on how you will be devoured here soon if you understand contrasts, like a tiger tearing up a chicken !

..and yes I was in this thread long before the first post, just waiting for what intelligent-not answers there would be, of course this is MR 1% to 99% dumb ones !

[ame=""]YouTube - Amazing : New apartment building tips over in China[/ame]

I wonder what will happen when that bubble will pop! We'll probly see more EdT's on MR glorifying this pathetic country of enslavement.

...and if you done your homework you know that building didn't tip over by itself, I will let you find out how it did ! Maybe you should look closer to home on how many our over budgeted buildings and bridges topple over !

They build 100s of new cities in a time span of less than 5 years, we can't even build a freaking building here in 10 and then it is 10x times over budget !

[ame=""]YouTube - First Look: Bridge Disaster (CBS News)[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - LIVE FOOTAGE: Fatal Bridge Collapse in Laval Canada[/ame]
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[ame=""]YouTube - Press TV-Reporter's File-Chinese Ghost Cities-07-22-2010[/ame]

Building weapons is the next step.
China's only solution now is to go to war.

I wonder what will happen when that bubble will pop! We'll probly see more EdT's on MR glorifying this pathetic country of enslavement.

True, when the bubble does burst it will be worse than the 2008 financial collapse.
True, when the bubble does burst it will be worse than the 2008 financial collapse.

Another western made up scenario. China doesn't play by the west's rules, it charts it own course of action and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you will be better off by taking action before you and your family will look like what the chicken went through with the tiger !

Western analysts said China would not obtain over 5% growth in 2008-2009, but it did so what kind of capitalism is it practicing like most of there idiot western analysts says that China is emulating the west as a model ? ...because they are not emulating the west, they are charting their own path with 5000 years of experience to guide them with !
Another western made up scenario. China doesn't play by the west's rules, it charts it own course of action and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you will be better off by taking action before you and your family will look like what the chicken went through with the tiger !

Western analysts said China would not obtain over 5% growth in 2008-2009, but it did so what kind of capitalism is it practicing like most of there idiot western analysts says that China is emulating the west as a model ? ...because they are not emulating the west, they are charting their own path with 5000 years of experience to guide them with !

Yes, China faked its growth. Anything else?

Another western made up scenario. China doesn't play by the west's rules, it charts it own course of action and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you will be better off by taking action before you and your family will look like what the chicken went through with the tiger !

Western analysts said China would not obtain over 5% growth in 2008-2009, but it did so what kind of capitalism is it practicing like most of there idiot western analysts says that China is emulating the west as a model ? ...because they are not emulating the west, they are charting their own path with 5000 years of experience to guide them with !

Every over inflated housing & real estate bubble has collapsed. It happened to HK, to Japan, to the U.S. and many other countries worldwide. Why would China be any different?

China should play by the rules and re-evaluate the yuan but they won't for fear their economy will significantly slow down and cause millions to be out of work.
lol 3 minute pour un tigre pour manger un poulet... je suis pas impressionner, je desosse un poulet en 1.5 minute .
Tellement amusant les thread de chinois.

Vraiment drôle de voir EDT penser que le monde dépend de la Chine.

Supposons que l'Europe et les États-Unis décident de bloquer les import/export de la Chine...qui va se mettre à mourir de faim entre les deux ?

On va devoir payer plus chère nos trucs "made in China", des trucs pas vraiment essentiel à la vie en général. Ça va durer quelques années, le temps que du cheap labor s'organise dans un autre pays genre l'Inde.

La Chine eux vont faire quoi s'ils peuvent rien exporter/importer ? On sort les chevaux et on cultive les champs pour nourrir un milliard de personnes ?

Le monde dépend un peu de la Chine mais la Chine dépend beaucoup du monde !!!
Tellement amusant les thread de chinois.

Vraiment drôle de voir EDT penser que le monde dépend de la Chine.

Supposons que l'Europe et les États-Unis décident de bloquer les import/export de la Chine...qui va se mettre à mourir de faim entre les deux ?

On va devoir payer plus chère nos trucs "made in China", des trucs pas vraiment essentiel à la vie en général. Ça va durer quelques années, le temps que du cheap labor s'organise dans un autre pays genre l'Inde.

La Chine eux vont faire quoi s'ils peuvent rien exporter/importer ? On sort les chevaux et on cultive les champs pour nourrir un milliard de personnes ?

Le monde dépend un peu de la Chine mais la Chine dépend beaucoup du monde !!!

This is also a wrong statement because the west as outsourced so much that we don't have the manufacturing & production expertise anymore. Where do you think 98% of all electronic components come from, Asia.

You just don't put up a fab in 6-months, plus the west does not have billions of dollars lying around to build a fab. If Chine falters, the world will falter.

We always speak about China, equally important is Korea and Taiwan.
I just showed this post to one of my co-workers who is a Chinese immigrant... and he went completely insane laughing at EDT's posts...

Wonder why???
...and if you done your homework you know that building didn't tip over by itself, I will let you find out how it did ! Maybe you should look closer to home on how many our over budgeted buildings and bridges topple over !

They build 100s of new cities in a time span of less than 5 years, we can't even build a freaking building here in 10 and then it is 10x times over budget !

YouTube - First Look: Bridge Disaster (CBS News)
YouTube - LIVE FOOTAGE: Fatal Bridge Collapse in Laval Canada

Your vids show structures built 40 years ago, not something built last year to house hundreds of families.
This is also a wrong statement because the west as outsourced so much that we don't have the manufacturing & production expertise anymore. Where do you think 98% of all electronic components come from, Asia.

You just don't put up a fab in 6-months, plus the west does not have billions of dollars lying around to build a fab. If Chine falters, the world will falter.

We always speak about China, equally important is Korea and Taiwan.

Le point c'est que pendant que nous on va avoir de la misère à avoir des TV et des Ipod abordables les chinois eux autres sont dépendant des importations de matières essentielles.

Quelques années plus tard une bonne partie de la production chinoise serait transféré au Japon, en Inde, aux USA etc. Bien qu'on va payer nos bébelles un peu plus chère ça reste que les chinois eux n'auront plus d'économie et un manque de matières premières.

Je persiste à dire que la Chine dépend beaucoup plus de nous que le contraire. C'est bien correct comme ça remarque, tant que les 2 dépendent l'un de l'autre ça assure un certain équilibre et tous le monde y gagne.