Another terror attack going on in Ottawa

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A lot of reports state multiple gun shots (as many as 15-20) from the shooter, but that he was carrying a double barrelled shotty.

Was he some kind of speed reload wizard or the reports are inaccurate? Or it's a semi auto weapon?

I don't get it.

Si j'ai bien compris il aurait utilisé une Winchester model 94 ou quelquechose de similaire

Le magasin tubulaire ressemble à un deuxième canon et peut contenir 7 balles. Ce ne serait donc pas un fusil mais une carabine.

warning from a Legislative Assistant: Testimony

Heads Up! The shooting started on Parliament at 9:52 AM. This photo was taken at 9:30 AM

"I'm a legislative assistant, here is the view outside my office at 9:30a.m, (about 15 minutes before the 'crazed' gunman). Just a shit ton of cops hanging out by west block for no reason.
I know two things they aren't telling the press/public. Hopefully you dipshits will take this serious because my career is on the line.
a car bomb was set off in the Nepean area today and knocked off the main transmitter killing power to our city's west end.
police used jammers to disrupt ALL cell phones in the downtown area during lockdown

Why does this matter?
why the fuck to ottawa police (not just RCMP) have the capacity to do this?
this was just a test. Brace yourselves

If you see/hear that a legislative assistant died, had an accident, committed suicide whatever I'd like to say for the record that I've never wanted to kill myself. I take my job serious, but I ask honest questions.

Wednesday's there are events hosted at parliament, and security is slack. There was no need for all these police at parliament this morning pre-shooting incident. Nobody (pm and opposition leaders excluded) of great significance was scheduled for today.

Further, blowing up the west end's transmitter should just make people angry, not dependent on the government. I feel like if we don't stand up right now, we will be baited into losing everything because ISIS.

One last fun-fact: yesterday the house debated two things
Ebola in west Africa
terrorist attack/not terrorist attack in Canada "


I heard nothing on the news about a nepean explosion though..but that dont mean it didnt happen

warning from a Legislative Assistant: Testimony

Heads Up! The shooting started on Parliament at 9:52 AM. This photo was taken at 9:30 AM

"I'm a legislative assistant, here is the view outside my office at 9:30a.m, (about 15 minutes before the 'crazed' gunman). Just a shit ton of cops hanging out by west block for no reason.
I know two things they aren't telling the press/public. Hopefully you dipshits will take this serious because my career is on the line.
a car bomb was set off in the Nepean area today and knocked off the main transmitter killing power to our city's west end.
police used jammers to disrupt ALL cell phones in the downtown area during lockdown

Why does this matter?
why the fuck to ottawa police (not just RCMP) have the capacity to do this?
this was just a test. Brace yourselves

If you see/hear that a legislative assistant died, had an accident, committed suicide whatever I'd like to say for the record that I've never wanted to kill myself. I take my job serious, but I ask honest questions.

Wednesday's there are events hosted at parliament, and security is slack. There was no need for all these police at parliament this morning pre-shooting incident. Nobody (pm and opposition leaders excluded) of great significance was scheduled for today.

Further, blowing up the west end's transmitter should just make people angry, not dependent on the government. I feel like if we don't stand up right now, we will be baited into losing everything because ISIS.

One last fun-fact: yesterday the house debated two things
Ebola in west Africa
terrorist attack/not terrorist attack in Canada "


I heard nothing on the news about a nepean explosion though..but that dont mean it didnt happen

oh yea I so believe that..... fyi the jammers would also be jamming police/rcmp comms, media comms.
Messemble ca t'a pris du temps avant d'arriver avec tes conneries. Tu te ramollis...

'my bullshit' is someone elses video. and you post 1 min after me, so its not like you even watched - thats bullshit

$92 billion on security from 9/11 to 2011 & this fk'n guy can get all that way & into the building unapossed!? what a fk'n joke! 
Should I even bother answering your stupid questions? continue with your stupidity dude, I am laughing at you and your little e-gang.

The stupidity is in believing in the 72 virgins and that book that muslims follow like brainless zombies !
We were receiving cellphones calls and texts from our colleagues in real time stuck inside the huge construction site on the West Block. Another one of my colleague, in a meeting on Sparks, was exchanging messages with someone instructing him to get cover & shit.

Your story is so full of shit, it's hilarious.

How much do you get paid to push your click and bait crap?

A few years ago, that Sergeant in arm, about when he was appointed, gave a speech explaining why it was so important that we be able to circulate freely on parliament hill. That it was a symbol of what this country stood for.
AJ4J posted an article at some point about a redneck whipping his butt hole after pooping with pages of the quran ... :///
les militaires on recu l'ordre de ne plus porter leur uniforme en public.

c'est quoi que vous en penser?

pour ma part, je pense que cette mesure peut "peux-etre" eviter que d'autre militaire soit la cible facile de radicaux. Mais en meme temps, je trouve ca un ironique, de se "cacher" comme ca, sous la menace terroriste. Qui selon moi, on p-e reussi a nous terroriser.

j'aurais preferer qu'on arme toutes nos soldats et qu'on les deplois a tout les coins de rue pour "demontrer" qu'on a le control et qu'on ne se laisserais pas "terroriser" par les terroristes.

les militaires on recu l'ordre de ne plus porter leur uniforme en public.

c'est quoi que vous en penser?

pour ma part, je pense que cette mesure peut "peux-etre" eviter que d'autre militaire soit la cible facile de radicaux. Mais en meme temps, je trouve ca un ironique, de se "cacher" comme ca, sous la menace terroriste. Qui selon moi, on p-e reussi a nous terroriser.

j'aurais preferer qu'on arme toutes nos soldats et qu'on les deplois a tout les coins de rue pour "demontrer" qu'on a le control et qu'on ne se laisserais pas "terroriser" par les terroristes.


it's shameful to not be able to wear their uniform in public now just to hide from terrorists... the uniform is a symbol of pride and it must not be taken away. especially on our own turf.
now, about arming the soldiers... do you mean every men and women in uniform in Ottawa? because there are lots of pencil pushers that barely remember how to salut with a C7..... don't think having a side arm will do any good
Should I even bother answering your stupid questions? continue with your stupidity dude, I am laughing at you and your little e-gang.

Your avatar indicates that you are a typical muslim. Always blaming others for your problems (Zionists and America... how passe. Come up with something new man.)
Give him a break, he's trying to swim out from the gutter of human intellect and is becoming an internet martyr.

The relationship between countries' belief in a god and average Intelligence Quotient, measured by Lynn, Harvey & Nyborg :

From :

2013 meta-study on the subject, by the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester :
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