Recent content by $Cheddah$

  1. $Cheddah$

    À la recherche d'un magasin

    Hi guys, i thought since most of you guys are from montreal you could help out... I am searching for a store wich i heard was on champ d'eau street, what we need is the grille on the front of a 88 scirroco, because we installed the 4 round head lights, so, if anyone could help on this in any...
  2. $Cheddah$

    Nice prelude for sale!

    Hi guys, one of my friends is now selling his prelude, it is the 2000 model and it only has 58000kms. The car is white and fully equiped and you even have the heated seats. The car is white with absolutely no rust, (treated twice). It was driven by a 58 years old man for a while ( its true...
  3. $Cheddah$

    Drop sur une Probe

    hi guys, a friend of mine owns a Probe, and he wants to make a lil drop on it, we were just wondering wut could be the best for his car, he is searching for something class but not too expensive, thx :D
  4. $Cheddah$

    exhaust 20hp?

    hi everyone, i've been to HP motorsport store o St-Laurent yesterday, and he talked to me about a 4 in 1 exhaust system that would give about 20 hp's... im interested but i was wondering if a exhaust could do a so big difference... the question is : is it even possible than only an exhaust give...
  5. $Cheddah$

    i want a Xbox

    anyone has got a xbox for sale around here?:dunno:
  6. $Cheddah$

    PS2 for sale

    PS2 for sale ... 2 manettes + pleins de jeux ! Pm for more details !
  7. $Cheddah$


    PS2 a vendre ... 2 manettes + pleins de jeu !!! Pm for more details
  8. $Cheddah$


    i would like to ave photoshop, is it better to buy it? or maybe i could get it crack, but will it work good enough? thx mark
  9. $Cheddah$

    question dvd

    jai une question pour les pros de l'info, est ce que cest possible de graver un dvd??? est ce que les dvds lisent un certain type de fichiers....??? neways just asking:dunno: mark
  10. $Cheddah$

    some Pics ?

    qqun a des pics de la nouvelle corrado ??? J aimerais me l acheter apres ma location !:bigup:
  11. $Cheddah$

    2 turbo?

    salut tout le monde, j'ai une question sur les turbos, je ne connais pas vraiment ca. Je connais un gars qui a une cavalier z22 avec 2 turbos??? premierement est ce que ca se peut? il dit que ca lui donne 300 hp?? est ce que cest vrai, ou est e que ca ce peut? il y a un turbo sur le moteur...
  12. $Cheddah$

    montrealracing isn't at julep this year

    i was wondering why isn't montreal racing at the julep to do coverages this year?:dunno: or the marché centrral?
  13. $Cheddah$

    probleme de police!

    je sais que les policiers ne sont pas toujours mauvais, mais je suis présentement en cri$$ coontre eux parce qu'ils m'ont donné la peur de ma vie il y a 1 heure, je roulais sur la 15 sud quand une limousine me dépasse rapidement, je me dit maudit épais, puis deux minutes une minute plus tard...
  14. $Cheddah$

    regardez ca!

    je ne met pas ca la pour faire chier personne, je le met la juste parce que je pense que ca va amuser certaines personnes, regardez la partie pathétique et la partie article! je sais pas si ca a deja ete posté?? :bigup: :bigup:
  15. $Cheddah$

    rive nord meeting

    salut les boys, javais fait un post pour savoir qui ce qui vient de la rive nord pi il y a plain de monde qui ont répondus, pi il y en a qui ont suggérer qu'ont fasse un meeting, ca serait pas mal cool, moi je pourrais amener une bonne couple de monde de la région en-t-k dites moi ce que vous en...