Search results

  1. GhettoBusta

    La monogamie est une illusion

    L'idee de la monogamie nous a ete impose par la societe, ainsi que tout ce qui vient avec. Preuve a l'appui: des gens venant d'autres cultures ont des croyances ancrées tres differentes des notres et qui sommes nous pour les juger? L'ideal de la monogamie nous a ete imposee, nous y croyons dur...
  2. GhettoBusta

    A quoi tient votre bonheur?

    Nous vivons dans une societe etablie et par ce fait meme, a moins de s'exhiler et de renoncer a notre vie comme on la connait, nous sommes contraint a vivre selon certaines balises. Apres une longue reflexion, je resumerais ces balises comme suit: - Avoir une stabilite financiere - Fonder une...
  3. GhettoBusta

    Que feriez vous avec 50 millions $$$ ?

    1. Chum(e)s, Las Vegas, poud, putes 2. Vous occuper de votre famille 3. Investir Et par la suite? Disons que votre situation financiere est stable et garantie pour le reste de vos jours, comment vous occuperiez-vous a long terme? Il y a plusieures reponses faciles a la question... mais...
  4. GhettoBusta

    Who loves Whisky ?

    Whisky > Cognac I thought this was good: Until I tried this: Then I had this by mistake (which I think I wasn't ready to fully appreciate just yet at the time): And by then, I realized I really like Whisky so I decided to start a collection. Went to SAQ, got both Cragganmores (coup de...
  5. GhettoBusta

    Looking for hockey goal video

    The one where the player (not NHL) lobs the puck between his legs and taps it backhand top net... Will thank
  6. GhettoBusta

    Perforated vs regular leather

    I just bought a new car and had the choice between perforated or regular leather for the seats. I chose perforated, am I going to regret my choice? Does it get dirty a lot easier? Is it as durable as regular leather? Pros and cons?
  7. GhettoBusta

    I'm in love

    Bandz a make her dance - Juicy-J : Original: I hate being sober - Chief Keef : Original : Started from the bottom : Original :
  8. GhettoBusta

    Need good comedy movie with hot chicks

    Any suggestions ? Preferably where you see a lot of tits.
  9. GhettoBusta

    I need advice for my vacation - Varadero or Santo Domingo?

    A friend of mine and I want to book an all inclusive for the 1st of January. We narrowed down our choices to 2 destinations. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic or Varadero, Cuba. We are both 25 and we want to get smashed and party. In Varadero we narrowed down our choices to two hotels: Sol...
  10. GhettoBusta

    Want to buy laptop - don't know shit about them

    I'm looking for a new laptop but I don't really know what I want and I was kind of hoping you guys could help me figure it out or show me some good deals that I might of missed. Basically I want the laptop for internet and dumping all my old backups I have accumulated on external HDs, DVDs and...
  11. GhettoBusta

    what is that videoclip

    With i think it was 4 hot chicks and one gay looking dude... but then there was a remix where the guy wasnt there. One girl was dressed in white, one had headphones and another danced on a table or something with a wet tshirt
  12. GhettoBusta

    How much do you tip in a restaurant?

    - Bad service : ? - Great service : ? - Someone you know : ? - If you have a rebate coupon : ? - If something is credited on your bill : ? - If you pay debit/credit : Cash tip or credit/debit tip ? For my part : - Bad service : 15% AFTER TAX - Great service : 15-25% AFTER TAX - Someone you...
  13. GhettoBusta

    Pretty cool flash mob in Spain
  14. GhettoBusta

    Y'a-t'il des pompiers et/ou futur pompiers ici ?

    Si oui, connaissez vous des bons sites d'affichage pour les concours ?
  15. GhettoBusta

    Where to stream movies?

  16. GhettoBusta

    How to fake I know how to use Maitre'D ?

    My friend got me an interview in a restaurant in 2 hours from now and I need to fake I know how to use Maitre'D... I've been looking around on internet but I havn't found anything. Anyone have tips or something that could help me out ?
  17. GhettoBusta

    Smell yo dick? Is this for real?

  18. GhettoBusta

    Meanwhile, in Miami...