What are your phobias?

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i cant think of anything that im scared of, other than losing a loved one. used to be spiders, but i got over that at eurodubbers house when i was tipsy, and i used to be afraid of looking up at the tall buildings downtown ( i thought that they would fall on me) but now im over that.
Im scared of big bugs that fly.......WASPS, BEES, etc....CANNOT STAND THEM....

Besides that....not much....

Oh yeah...ive always been scared of the dark, but it depends on the situation nowadays...

U know, when u hear sounds at night, that u know u dont usually hear on a given night...etc, etc..
I'm scarred of death, the whole afterlife question freaks the hell out of me. I try not think about too much...existentialism is scarry shit sometimes.
absolutely right.....existentialism is some freaky shit......

But being scared of death sometimes makes people very paranoid and not able to live life to the fullest....thats why u cant take every day for granted.....u never what may happen the next......... ( knock on wood )
NDN_Altima said:
absolutely right.....existentialism is some freaky shit......

But being scared of death sometimes makes people very paranoid and not able to live life to the fullest....thats why u cant take every day for granted.....u never what may happen the next......... ( knock on wood )

I'm not scared of living, that's why I going into drifting (Thrill seeking adrenaline junkie) . It's the getting old and dying that i'm not too keen on but it's not like I have a say in the matter, it's gonna happen whether I want it to or not.
I'm afraid of heights I can't go up more than 2 steps on a ladder and fire escapes forget it I freak out. And I hate the stickers they put on apples and oranges and other fruit (I'm wierd I know), especially if one gets stuck on me.
expressoneon said:
And I hate the stickers they put on apples and oranges and other fruit (I'm wierd I know), especially if one gets stuck on me.

hahah that's definitely odd.
Wow alot of pussies here (except those who've lost friends or family)

I think alot of ppl have mistaken the word phobia with hate.
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