char blanc+neige+deneigement =

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le char a ete remorqué entre les 2 photos prises sur 2 jours different
^^ bahh disont que si ca aurais été MA vielle marde de buick j'aurais été pissed a mort pareil!
[mrquote userid="16960" username="iron_cannibal" forum="4" thread="685029" message="7165813" ] not only white cars, this happened to mine last year

I remember your thread last year on this. Sucks[/mrquote]it got fixed shortly after, and since it was a hit and run i didn't have an increase on my premium and didn't pay a deductible. still a piss off though.
c'est arrivé a mon frere aussi
sa rabbit neuve completement rapé d'un coté par une gratte

je changerais plus le thread pour : char+montreal+hiver=ca
In the last three years, 2 mirrors and one door. hit and run on the two mirrors and since the plow smashed my door and tried to pick a fight cops had to be called.
Man am I glad that I don't have to park on the street where I live, you can't trust these stupid SOBs. Mind you my winter beater is a pos, but still.
this new years I made an example not to park near any corners.Walking my dog on the 1st there was an rsx parked on the corner near my house pushed up on the sidewalk. Cant wait to get off the island or where I can have a driveway to hide.
found my front bumper 2 feet in front of my car along with a broken corner light and broken windshield washer reservoir...on my beater last year!! Thank god i'm outta Montreal now!!
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