NEWS: Audi TT RS en amérique pour 2011


New member
We wanted you to be among the first to know that Audi of America will be bringing the TT RS to the United States in mid 2011. We'll be making a public announcement today. Thank you for your help and support in making this happen!

Its numbers, however, will be very limited. Because you have indicated your strong interest in buying this car, we'll be in touch with you by email in the coming days to provide details on how you can reserve your 2011 TT RS through your dealer, with our thanks.

All the best,

Doug Clark
General Manager, Customer Strategy & Engagement, Audi of America
C'est pas le char du siècle mais quand même une bonne nouvelle.
wow ... hopefully this will pave the way for a RS5 launch here!

PS I'm drooling at the thought of modding one of these :yikes:
Surement des bons chars mais tous trop lourds.

Ma civic 4wd sur la glace bla bla bla :run:
Une TT-RS sa va bien couter 90 000$...

La TT-s frôle le 70 000$ deja..

Dans mon livre a moins c est overpriced..!
En effet, surtout que la TT (l'ancienne du moins) tient plus d'une golf que d'une vraie petite sportive, donc à comparer plus à une 135i coupe qu'une Z4 tant qu'a moi.

may be a TT-s!

Positive it was an RS. My friend's dad has the TT-S.

The TT RS I saw today looked like this with the same exact wheels (which I seriously dislike, btw)...
