When they gonna start to fix our roads?


New member
is it somebody have some friends at ville de mtl or rive sud ?

when they gonna start to fix them ? from already 1 month , i never saw a car who repair the roads.

Cuz , there is no more place to pass , the roads is just discusting . :squintfin
If you vote for me at the next elections (as mayor), I will fix our roads with the best asphalt quality on the market!
Achetez vous ca

sa se sort des trou pas trop pire

sa viens avec un tank en option pour les cas de rage au volant ou pour les débiles qui roulent 80kmh a gauche.

modèle pour vos mère ou ceux qui veulent pas payer le gaz du truck ci-haut
Last night I actually had to stop my car, get out and go take a look at a huge pothole on Van Horne and Linton because I honestly thought that my car would not be able to go through (or in) it. I thought about going into reverse and backing up to take another street but cars started to pile up behind me so I had to drive at about 1-2kms an hour praying not to break anything...

My car was fine but when I looked in my rearview mirror I could see the cars behind me going just as slowly as to not damage their suspension...

I have never been more ashamed to live in Montreal...

Its honestly ridiculous, never seen the roads this bad. Its just crater after crater. sometimes i'm really not sure if we live in a third world country or not.
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its not that bad dude, at least you can slow down.

I have met some exit curves, right after you turn , you can spot a huge hole, normal people would actually eat these hole
but we would be able to dodge them....
You have to look at it logically. They're going to put tons of money into holes that will be there 24 hours later? Its thawing season, there's no point. Stop voting for the same mayor constantly and get one who is more concerned about your cars well being.
Landed in MTL friday, drove for the first time yesterday and can't wait to GTFO (today).
I'm fuckin disgusted by this city. I borrowed a car for appx. 30km of driving, managed to slalom around every single crater possible and still managed to lose an exhaust hanger.
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« On demande aux citoyens de redoubler de prudence en voiture, de réduire leur vitesse et de prendre les transports en commun » ben oui toi, les routes sont tellement degueulasse qu'on vous recommande de pas utiliser vos voiture que vous payez une taxe de plus que les autres ville et d'utiliser le transport en commun... Ya quelque chose qui marche pas
Cette semaine, j'étais dans le coin de Ste-Thérèse et les cols bleus bouchaient les troues, c'était pissant les gens klaxonnaient, sifflaient et applaudissaient aux lumières hahah