Les étudiants universitaires et leur rythme de vie


J'écoutais la radio ce matin et il a eu un débat sur la hausse des tarifs de frais scolaire à l'université. Ils n'ont fait que confirmer ce que je pensais et j'imagine que je ne suis pas le seul. Je trouve que les étudiants vivent soit au dessus de leur moyen ou sont tous riches, donc ne devraient pas chialer sur la hausse des frais scolaires.

Mise en situation;

Ils sont pratiquement tous habillé à la mode, avec des vêtement de marque, posssèdes des voitures TRES RÉCENTES (on parle pas de bazoo de 500$ comme j'ai eu pendant 4 ans de temps..) on parle d'auto de valeur de 5-10-15 000$ et + ! Je sortais dans les bars 1 fois par 3 mois... les bars sont PLEIN d'étudiants! J'ai jamais fait de voyage... aujourdhui sa part dans le sud à chaque année! Spring break, cuba, punta cana et j'en passe.......

J'y comprend rien. J'avais 2 jobs (un sideline et une job temps partiel), je travaillais over 30 hr semaine + mes études à temps plein,je faisais en moyenne 9$ de l'heure, ce qui était presque 2$ de plus que le salaire minimum dans ce temps là..j'y arrivais, mais pas de là à avoir du beau linge greffé et un char de 10 000$ et faire un voyage de dernière minute à chaque année....
C'est fini le temp du Kraft Dinner pour les étudiants. Ils veulent des conditions de "travail" d'un col bleu alors qu'ils sont encore sur les bancs d'école.
Moi je me compte très chanceux puisque mes parents payent pour mes études.

Je travail et surveille mes dépenses pour me payer ce que je veux (voyage, voiture, autre)
Je crois que c'est pas mal exageré.

Dans mon programme le monde qui sont comme tu le décris sont des étudiant étrangés.

La pluspart des Québécois sont habillé en guénille je trouve et sont sur les pret et boursse à fond.

Je crois que c'est une généralisation.
Les étudiants ne sont pas riche, ils s'endettent pour ne pas avoir l'air pauvre ... Y'a différence. Ils n'ont pas d'emplois à 40h semaine ... Le seul moyens est d'emprunté à la banque, papa/maman ou vendre de la poudre. Un petit emploie de fin de semaine ne peut leur permettre de roulé en 6speed.

Moi ma blonde à pas une caliss de cenne et n'a plus de vie.
I work 40 hrs a week, I'm a full time student, I pay for everything I have. (Car, insurance, mods, clothes, cell phone.... you name it)
My parents pay for my school.

I've been working since I was 15... I'm now 21. Knowing how to spend your money wisely is key. Learn how to save up and you can have nice things. Just cause you're a student shouldn't mean you have to be struggling... it's not 20 years ago anymore.. times change.
Je travaille environ 50 heures par semaine en plus d'aller à l'université. Je paye pour toute mes affaires incluant une belle auto mais je dirais que la plupart de mes amis qui sont à l'université ne travaillent pas. Ils paraissent bien (linge et auto) mais ils sont sur la marge accoté.
Je comprends pas le monde qui travail full time en ayant 5 cours d'université, je travail 20 heures et j'ai rarement du repos...
Those working a lot, let's say, over 25hours per week, and are doing a difficult/technical major in university...(i.e. engineering,hard science,math,finance,accounting,comp sci, etc)....lets hear your study habits/skills/tips/tricks. I'm absolutely horrible at balancing work and studying :(

To respond to the thread, I too notice lots of students with nice things at school. However, most of the people I know personally with nice cars/clothes/gadgets all work while in school, and live at home, so it's understandable. I do know a few people though in a ridiculous amount of debt (by quebec student standards) because they feel the need to keep up with their friends and buy whatever is needed to "fit in".
credit is way too easy to get

students can get mortgages, or huge line of credit, with low income.

when I was in school, it was very hard to even get a 5000$ loan.
like someone else said, students ..mostly men don't want to look like they're broke so they can attract sexy chicks at school. So they have the nice clothes + the nice car.

Here's what you should be worried about:

How many of those who have the recent cars+expensive clothes have good grades. I'd just guess that most of them barely go to school/don't give a shit about school and are there just to socialize and get pussy.

You have a bunch of different categories of big spenders at school.

1. The guy who wants pussy and show other males that he's better than them and doesn't care about grades so he works all the time, has money just like any other working man would and then goes to school to basically show off. He is pissed about tuition fees because he is actually paying for something he doesn't care for.

2. The guy who's been broke all his life and now wants to feel rich to get some pussy and show other males he's better than them so he gets himself deep into debt to afford a 15000$ car and 2000$ worth of new clothes every month. He's pissed about the tuition fees because he's already in debt and tuition is adding more and more and more on his back.

3. The guy who works a few hours a week, doesn't pay for food, doesn't pay for tuition, doesn't pay for his books because his parents are paying that. Which means he can put his earning towards a car and clothes to look good and get some pussy and show other males he's better than them. In the end, he's pissed about tuition fees because his parents are coming down on him telling him "dude, pay your tuition yourself, it's starting to get expensive and you spend on your money on shit you don't need". so he wants tuition fees to be lower so his parents stop yapping.

4. There's also the rich kid, they don't give a fuck about the tuition fees. They're rich.
^^in september, I'll be the poor kid who won't care about the increased tuitions because I now know that I absolutely need to get that degree regardless of the cost. I'll just let the other kids protest and I'll go about my business and worry about my grades. I'll have no time to waste on that bullshit. Even if they would increase the tuition by 200%...there would still be no choice but to pay that fuckin thing if you'd want a degree.

And I'll continue working on my sites, a few hours/minutes a day to make some money to pay whatever the fuck I need/want.

I might get a new car for school cuz my current car is really a shame bucket but i wouldnt spend on clothes that much.

I rather put 200-300$ every month on a car than spend it on clothes. I still wear year-old clothes. I still have some clothes that are 2 years old. I don't care. I'm not there to get a fashion modeling contract with tyra banks, I'm there to get a fuckin degree.
Learn how to manage your time better!

Je pense pas que c'est une question de manage de temps en travaillant 20 heure semaine donc 3 jours dans la semaine, et en allant a l'école 5 jours semaine (5 cours plus 3 séance de travaux pratiques) j'ai jamais une journée de congé et la dedans je compte pas le temps d"étude de transport, de faire le ménage, l'épicerie, à manger etc..