My Car Got Sponsored by XXR!!!!!

People buy things they don't need, with money they don't have, to impress people they don't like. Clive Hamilton
HAHAHA just tell everything that need to be said haha , So maybe if your looking for the show looks like Us dont fake the Funk cause if yes your tryng too hard . ( flameSuit on )
for now.... i could see this picking up again..

Depuis 2005 J'suis sur ce forum là, et depuis 2005 c'est la même histoire. Ça s'obstine, pas capable d'accepter les goûts des autres et pas capable de comprendre qu'il y a des vrais passionnés dans la vie. Personnellement, les vraies roues m'intéressent. Les fake, j'encourage pas ça parce que ça fait planter des bonnes compagnies de belles roues de valeur. J'vois un certain charme à des vraies roues comme des connaisseurs de pierre précieuse vont trouver un charme à un vraie pierre plutôt qu'une fausse. Si tu préfères acheter un diamant en plastoc à ta femme parce qu'elle vaut pas cher selon toi, c'est ton choix. Moi j'vais opter pour du vrai. J'fais ça avec tout, même à l'épicerie. On appelle ça payer pour la qualité.

J'suis un passionné d'automobiles, un passionné de roues, et des vraies roues ça capte mon intérêt justement parce que le monde connaissent rien dans le domaines et achètent n'importe quoi parce que "ces magzzzz là étaient pas cher yo".

Ma théorie depuis le début? Live and let live. Tu veux vivre dans l'ignorance parce que tu t'obstines définitivement en tournant autour des mêmes arguments pour prouver que des fakes roues c'est pas fake? Go for it mon ami. Ça laisse plus de place et d'opportunités aux vrais passionnés de mettre la main sur un beau set.

98% des gens les trouvent juste jolis nos roues qui brillent... mais moi j'bâtis pas mon auto pour 98% des gens. J'le fais pour mon plaisir de passionné de voitures et de roues. Mais c'est vrai que c'est plaisant se faire complimenter sur ses goûts.

Et j'fais affaire et j'entretiens des conversations sur le sujet avec du monde qui connaissent ça. Alors oui j'passe inaperçu aux yeux des "98%".. mais quand vient le temps de me pointer avec des connaisseurs, j'suis considéré comme "faisant partie de la game des passionnés". Un pouce en l'air d'un confrère passionné vaut beaucoup plus que 500000 pouces en l'air de monde qui te disent en même temps "heille man té hellaflouche yo"

J'respecte ceux qui achètent du fake (ça rend pas l'auto laide pour autant!)... c'est leur choix. Moi, j'en veux pas. Merci.

12 pages later and still no proofs what wheels are fake and what wheels are real !!! i still loool on you guys !!!
12 pages later and still no proofs what wheels are fake and what wheels are real !!! i still loool on you guys !!!

It's called liscensing. The only way you'll know is by knowing the originals. It's up to YOU, the buyer, to know what shit you're buying. You wanna know if the wheels you're buying are fake? Do your homework.
C'est quoi l'avantage des mags 3 pièces. il me semble que physiquement quelque chose de monobloc est beaucoup plus rigide ?

Cast wheels are just poured into a mold. 3 piece wheels are forged, meaning they were beat to shit to get the shape they have. Think of it as a sword.

When it comes to cast wheels though, there are different materials used. While a replica of a 3 piece wheel is weaker, a replica of a monoblock wheel is not necesserily weaker. It's already clear that forging is stronger than casting, so we got the 3 piece out of the way. Monoblocks differ in quality due to the materials used. A replica's strength can be compared and even SOMETIMES be stronger than the original, but because of the casting method used you will have a WAY heavier wheel. Even if the replica is stronger than the original it doesn't change the fact that it's a copied (liscensed) design from the more performant (in many cases lighter) original.

Then you take a look at this.

You recognize some wheels in there. STP1 - WRD Chevlon, STP3 - OZ Mito, 279 - BBS LM, 942 - M3 wheels. The 3 piece replicas are obviously cheaper, they weren't forged. They are 2 piece cast wheels that are not meant to be taken apart after initial assembly, hence the name; fake splits. You might notice that some of those aren't copied from another company. While the design might be original, they are still 2 piece cast wheels pretending to be a 3 piece. So they are not exactly replicas but are still fake splits. If you look at type 942s however, you'll notice they are a monoblock cast wheel. What kind of casting did they go through compared to the originals? What materials did they use exactly? We won't know unless you actually test them. Performance aside, they are still replicas.

My wheels for example aren't forged, they're cast. Are they weaker than 3 piece forged wheels? Yes. Stronger or more performant than other replicas? Who knows, I didn't do any tests. Big + of my wheels? Exclusive design with huge rep back in my country (they're apparently played in Europe). Also, I know they're beast fucks.

In any case, designating every kind of replica or fake split is a headache. We just put them all in the same basket, fake wheels/replicas.
Cast wheels are just poured into a mold. 3 piece wheels are forged, meaning they were beat to shit to get the shape they have. Think of it as a sword.

When it comes to cast wheels though, there are different materials used. While a replica of a 3 piece wheel is weaker, a replica of a monoblock wheel is not necesserily weaker. It's already clear that forging is stronger than casting, so we got the 3 piece out of the way. Monoblocks differ in quality due to the materials used. A replica's strength can be compared and even SOMETIMES be stronger than the original, but because of the casting method used you will have a WAY heavier wheel. Even if the replica is stronger than the original it doesn't change the fact that it's a copied (liscensed) design from the more performant (in many cases lighter) original.

Then you take a look at this.

You recognize some wheels in there. STP1 - WRD Chevlon, STP3 - OZ Mito, 279 - BBS LM, 942 - M3 wheels. The 3 piece replicas are obviously cheaper, they weren't forged. They are 2 piece cast wheels that are not meant to be taken apart after initial assembly, hence the name; fake splits. You might notice that some of those aren't copied from another company. While the design might be original, they are still 2 piece cast wheels pretending to be a 3 piece. So they are not exactly replicas but are still fake splits. If you look at type 942s however, you'll notice they are a monoblock cast wheel. What kind of casting did they go through compared to the originals? What materials did they use exactly? We won't know unless you actually test them. Performance aside, they are still replicas.

My wheels for example aren't forged, they're cast. Are they weaker than 3 piece forged wheels? Yes. Stronger or more performant than other replicas? Who knows, I didn't do any tests. Big + of my wheels? Exclusive design with huge rep back in my country (they're apparently played in Europe). Also, I know they're beast fucks.

In any case, designating every kind of replica or fake split is a headache. We just put them all in the same basket, fake wheels/replicas.

You killed it!

Thanks for the explanation!
To kill the argument while it's still in the air. You also have 3 piece replicas that are NOT fake splits, they are a copy but are forged wheels. You take a look at Dynatech CM6/Carline CM6/Tracer Tech 2 and MAM MT1. Dynatech made the originals, Carline then bought Dynatech, so they're technically still the original 3 piece. Tracer doesn't own the wheel, they liscenced it BUT they are still forged 3 piece. Then you have MAM swooping in with the 1 or 2 piece replicas. The black sheep here are the Tracers. They are a copy BUT are not fake splits. CM6s, Tech 2s and MT1s are similar but they all have very subtle variations as far as the design goes. So the gauge here is quality. Tech 2s are of very comparable quality to CM6s, MT1s are not. PLEASE BE WARNED: I'VE SEEN PEOPLE SELL MT1s FOR RIDICULOUS PRICES! DON'T GET FOOLED!

The other kind of wheel you have is the cast monoblock wheel with an original design that was made by Miro for example (I'm not exactly sure if they have original monoblocks, I'm just taking a stab). Every characteristic of the wheel points towards an original wheel. However, given the company's current reputation as a mass copier of wheels, it's hard to take it seriously. Maybe in the future it'll redeem its image (Rotiform can be an example, maybe even Tracer to an extent) but for the moment, its "frowned" upon.