Show your origins with pictures ONLY


Alain , jai toujours pense que ton niveaux de capacité intellectuelle etait plus haut !

tu savais que la photo etait "stagee" ?
et que le photographe avait du retouche la photo car en regardant de pres on voyait que le soldat tenant le drapeau avec plus qu'une montre a son poignet !
what is it? you only suck story bro

ah da si pizda masi la romanii de pe forum care se ascund...
I didn't know about Shwartz but I knew Dracula was a legend based on a romanian... king ? Or prince ? can't remember about these two lol

Reuben Schwartz was an immigrant from Romania.

"Dracula" is based on a medieval prince of the romanian province of Transylvania. He was super harsh and people called him "dracul" (the devil).