News: Mystérieux millionnaire de 26 ans - Le fisc veut cette Bugatti Veyron

Good for this guy. I applaud him.

Quebec is the most indebted province in Canada, because of corruption and mismanagement of funds. Our provincial government is a POS, driving more and more businesses out every day because of their stupid politics.

I am literally laughing out loud at people who say they wouldn't do the same.

Bunch of fucking puppets.
so much people with sand in their vaginas in this thread.

if we all spend as much time as you are doing here discussing about the way he got his money, we would all find a way to fuck the system. also known as APS is a collective of penny stock promotersmost likely headed bythe following people:

Eric Van Nguyen
John Babikian
Jad Tabari AKA Jad Tabara
Robert Kalfayan
Richard Burton
Kevin Sepe
This group of unscrupulous individuals has essentially mastered the art of stock promotion taking a production line approach to creating, promoting, and liquidating worthless securities for hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit gains. Their approach is completely methodical and consists of:

Acquiring a DTC eligible OTCBB shell where they can own every share in the float
Completing a forward stock split prior to initiation of trading to increase their block of shares to an average size of 50-100 million shares and at an average cost that is always less than $.005 cents (half of one penny).
Using a syndicate websites that,,,,,,premiumstockreport.comamongst a slew of others to advertise on Google (GOOG), Yahoo (YHOO), AOL (AOL), MSN (MSFT), and IAC (IACI) under search terms revolving around investing in finance for textual ads and financial related websites for display ads.
These websites all serve as aggregators that harvest email addresses into one centralized database. In the weeks and months leading to a promotion the cartel will increase their ad spends to as much as $1 million per month competing with the ad budgets of TD Ameritrade (AMTD) and E*Trade (ETFC) while they send their growing list of subscribers emails preparing them for their next pick going so far as giving instructions on how to open online brokerage accounts and entering stock orders!
When all systems are go (ie: worthless shares have been deposited into a US Broker Dealer and ready to be sold) APS unleashes emails announcing their newest pick. Like clockwork, the same day that APS begins to send a barrage of emails the OTCBB companies conveniently begin to issue daily press releases touting their purported businesses.
Once the emails begin to hit and naïve buyers rush in to buy the worthless shares from the APS clan their work only begins. In what is a meticulous effort to manipulate nearly every tick in the trading of their scams the APS clan uses a group ofmarket makers to place abnormally sized bidsallowing them to quite literally move their scams up and down to their liking, inducing panic sell offs, buy backs, and short squeezes.
Once they have manipulated the stock to the point of liquidating most of their worthless shares, the APS group ceases to support their scams with the abnormal bids leading to massive collapses of between 40-80% in ONE DAY. Watchthis videoto see one of these collapses in real-time and note the insane amount of volume trading every second. Every single one of these prints equates to worthless shares being sold to US investors.
Once the shares collapse APS simply moves on to the next deal like a swarm of locust while they funnel their illicit proceeds to their offshore jurisdictions including: Canada, Poland, Costa Rica, and Spain. Let us review a table of the list of APS stock scams and their respective performance:

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pump and dump confirmed. one of the few companies he has assets in. It's not illegal so he's not a criminal

how is this not illegal?
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Good for this guy. I applaud him.

Quebec is the most indebted province in Canada, because of corruption and mismanagement of funds. Our provincial government is a POS, driving more and more businesses out every day because of their stupid politics.

I am literally laughing out loud at people who say they wouldn't do the same.

Bunch of fucking puppets.

So you applaud a bunch of crooks stealing money from naive investors? Scamming people, regardless of the amount, is disgusting.

P.S. I am not saying the person in question did this, just saying that people who run these pennystock scams are fucking low life crooks, regardless of their Million dollar bank accounts.
So you applaud a bunch of crooks stealing money from naive investors? Scamming people, regardless of the amount, is disgusting.

P.S. I am not saying the person in question did this, just saying that people who run these pennystock scams are fucking low life crooks, regardless of their Million dollar bank accounts.

In another thread, he also said he wished his dad was a murdering drug dealer because then he'd have more money
Le chat sort du sac;

John Babikian est donc un immigrant voleur fugitif.

Quelqu'un veut encore le féliciter?
So you applaud a bunch of crooks stealing money from naive investors? Scamming people, regardless of the amount, is disgusting.

P.S. I am not saying the person in question did this, just saying that people who run these pennystock scams are fucking low life crooks, regardless of their Million dollar bank accounts.

I applaud him for not paying the government.

In another thread, he also said he wished his dad was a murdering drug dealer because then he'd have more money


I would high five the shit outta my dad
Alors pourquoi il s est fait saisir tous ces chars pendant 1 mois?


Et y a pas mal plus que ca...

2X Gallardo TT
Cobra Jet
Camaro Copo
Mclaren Mp4
Plusieurs Benz

Après la vente de son entreprise il devait aux fisc les taxes et les impôts de l'année antérieure et de l'année en cours... C'est toujours comme cela quand tu vends une entreprise, j'ai eu la même surprise en vendant la mienne il y a 2 ans, j'avais été "saisie" pendant un mois, mais c'est juste une façon de faire pour le gouvernement pour s'assurer que tu paies ta part. Moi, mon comptable et mon avocats m'avais averti de cette possibilité. Je pense que ça avait duré 3 semaines, mais ca avait rien changé à ma vie dans les faits.

En parlant de l'autre gars... c'est pas "un autre" qui avait des site de poker en ligne qui avait foulé les joueurs et les investisseurs quand il avait vendu et acheté ses entreprises par d'autre entreprise à son nom? Me semble que c'était en 2011 et ca avait passé dans les médias? non? je peux me tromper... :) also known as APS is a collective of penny stock promotersmost likely headed bythe following people:

Eric Van Nguyen
John Babikian
Jad Tabari AKA Jad Tabara
Robert Kalfayan
Richard Burton
Kevin Sepe
This group of unscrupulous individuals has essentially mastered the art of stock promotion taking a production line approach to creating, promoting, and liquidating worthless securities for hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit gains. Their approach is completely methodical and consists of:

Acquiring a DTC eligible OTCBB shell where they can own every share in the float
Completing a forward stock split prior to initiation of trading to increase their block of shares to an average size of 50-100 million shares and at an average cost that is always less than $.005 cents (half of one penny).
Using a syndicate websites that,,,,,,premiumstockreport.comamongst a slew of others to advertise on Google (GOOG), Yahoo (YHOO), AOL (AOL), MSN (MSFT), and IAC (IACI) under search terms revolving around investing in finance for textual ads and financial related websites for display ads.
These websites all serve as aggregators that harvest email addresses into one centralized database. In the weeks and months leading to a promotion the cartel will increase their ad spends to as much as $1 million per month competing with the ad budgets of TD Ameritrade (AMTD) and E*Trade (ETFC) while they send their growing list of subscribers emails preparing them for their next pick going so far as giving instructions on how to open online brokerage accounts and entering stock orders!
When all systems are go (ie: worthless shares have been deposited into a US Broker Dealer and ready to be sold) APS unleashes emails announcing their newest pick. Like clockwork, the same day that APS begins to send a barrage of emails the OTCBB companies conveniently begin to issue daily press releases touting their purported businesses.
Once the emails begin to hit and naïve buyers rush in to buy the worthless shares from the APS clan their work only begins. In what is a meticulous effort to manipulate nearly every tick in the trading of their scams the APS clan uses a group ofmarket makers to place abnormally sized bidsallowing them to quite literally move their scams up and down to their liking, inducing panic sell offs, buy backs, and short squeezes.
Once they have manipulated the stock to the point of liquidating most of their worthless shares, the APS group ceases to support their scams with the abnormal bids leading to massive collapses of between 40-80% in ONE DAY. Watchthis videoto see one of these collapses in real-time and note the insane amount of volume trading every second. Every single one of these prints equates to worthless shares being sold to US investors.
Once the shares collapse APS simply moves on to the next deal like a swarm of locust while they funnel their illicit proceeds to their offshore jurisdictions including: Canada, Poland, Costa Rica, and Spain. Let us review a table of the list of APS stock scams and their respective performance:

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More on the Stock Market

J'avais pas vu ton thread, mais oui c'est de lui que je voulais parler dans mon autre post.!

Le gouvernement DEPENSE de l'argent sur chaque BS dans cette province. Ce gars la ne coute rien au gouvernement. Au contraire, toute les shit qu'il achete il paye 15% dessus. Penses tu que s'il tombe malade il va attendre dans un hopital publique pendant 10h?

C'est drôle parce que ceux qui chialent le plus fort à l'hôpital et qui menacent de faire des plaintes c'est toujours des big shot qui se pensent au-dessus de tous et qui pensent que leurs petits "bobos" méritent de passer en avant du monsieur de 75 ans qui fait un infarctus...
C'est pas une question de dépense ou pas. Y'a du monde avec du cash qui sont cheap comme tout et du monde de la classe moyenne qui dépense beaucoup. Je vois pas en quoi vous comprenez pas qu'on est tous égaux et que chacun devrait payer ses impôts comme monsieur et madame tout-le-monde le fait...Un crosseur qui fait 100 millions et qui déclare 50K de revenus ou un crosseur qui a deux-trois adresses pour réclamer son BS, same shit de crosseur! Désolé, si j'applaudis pas ce genre de mec là, c'est pas une question d'être la marionnette de qui que ce soit (ceux qui me connaissent ici savent que je suis plus libertarien) mais certains ont encore un peu d'intégrité.
Vraiment ironique que certains admirent celui qui vient voler dans leurs poches... et ne venez pas brailler en disant qu'il fait rouler l'économie pcq il mène une vie de luxe ou bien qu'il a dépensé 500k$ pour modifier sa Veyron! Le gars a une fortune de plus de 100millions, jpense pas qu'il aurait été forcé de se mettre au kraft dinner s'il avait payé ses 4,5M au fisc!
Wow....people here are not the sharpest tools in the shed let me tell you, applauding people for not paying your taxes and admiring a Earl Jones wannabe that screw thousands of investors...

Total ignorance of how the economy works....these people belong in jail....if you had invested in one of these stocks, that's what you would believe as well!

Hey, i don't necessarily approve of the current government or how the province is run but if you don't like Quebec and its rules, you have two choices, you can either get into politics and make things like you want them or stop whining and gtfo to Alberta or whatever other country you idealize.
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anyway on le sais deja tous, le quebec se tire dans le pied avec son impot de cave. vivement les comptes offshore et les paradis fiscaux pour ceux dans cette situation. c'est juste un parmis tant d'autres et c'est juste la veyron le punch de s'thistoire la. quesque tu veux que revenu quebec fasse maintenant?? c'est tu rendu assez bas que si tu paye pas ton impôt on te ridiculise dans les média, c'est bas en c.... et on le sais que meme si il avait fait son argent d'une maniere tres legit, ils l'auraient beurrer pareil.

Je ne dit aucunement que je supporte son gagne pain btw

mise en situation: tu travail très mais très fort, tu prend des risques financier qu'aucun travailleur ou fonctionnaire n'aura a prendre, tu peu mettre ta vie familiale en jeu, tu gagne plus et tu dois en donner plus sinon le gouvernement se retourne contre toi. Quand t'en donne deja beacoup mais beaucoup plus que ex 95% de population et que tu realise, a l'impôt, que tout ces $$$ ça peux représenter le salaire annuel cumuler sur plusieurs année de quelqu'un de la classe moyenne, ça devient frustrant et encore plus quand sa fini que cet argent, celui des contribuables, est gerer comme c'est gerer au quebec
Une bugatti de même , cost price 1.1 million + 500 000 de modif. Ces quoi la valeur de revente ? A un fanatique ou si le gouv la saisie ?
anyway on le sais deja tous, le quebec se tire dans le pied avec son impot de cave. vivement les comptes offshore et les paradis fiscaux pour ceux dans cette situation. c'est juste un parmis tant d'autres et c'est juste la veyron le punch de s'thistoire la. quesque tu veux que revenu quebec fasse maintenant?? c'est tu rendu assez bas que si tu paye pas ton impôt on te ridiculise dans les média, c'est bas en c.... et on le sais que meme si il avait fait son argent d'une maniere tres legit, ils l'auraient beurrer pareil.

Je ne dit aucunement que je supporte son gagne pain btw

mise en situation: tu travail très mais très fort, tu prend des risques financier qu'aucun travailleur ou fonctionnaire n'aura a prendre, tu peu mettre ta vie familiale en jeu, tu gagne plus et tu dois en donner plus sinon le gouvernement se retourne contre toi. Quand t'en donne deja beacoup mais beaucoup plus que ex 95% de population et que tu realise, a l'impôt, que tout ces $$$ ça peux représenter le salaire annuel cumuler sur plusieurs année de quelqu'un de la classe moyenne, ça devient frustrant et encore plus quand sa fini que cet argent, celui des contribuables, est gerer comme c'est gerer au quebec

C'est vrai que tu es un martyre et que t'en donnes beaucoup plus que le restant de la population quand tu déclares 50k de revenue par année, mais que t'en fais 10m ... j'comprend tellement sa frustration.