Russia 1 week away from the olympics

Voilà ce que russian_m3 vient de m'envoyer en PM:

Consternant comme façon de voir les choses ! Ça reflète une ignorance profonde.

Mes parents m'ont appris ce que voulait dire tolérance, et cela quelque soit la race, l'orientation sexuelle, le sexe et l'opinion religieuse (ou pas)... Et non, cela n'a pas fait de moi un homosexuel !
Et mes enfants, je leur laisse le libre choix de leur sexualité. Leur faire croire qu'il ne faut pas tolérer les homosexuels fera en sorte qu'ils se cacheront s'ils le sont.

Il semble que certains ne reçoivent dans leur enfance qu'une éducation axée sur l'intolérance, le racisme, la peur de la différence. Tout ceci malheureusement uniquement parce leurs parents ont vécu dans l'ignorance.
C'est pas parce qu'on tolère les homosexuels qu'on le devient. Ce raisonnement est totalement infondé.

Officiellement RUssianm3, tu es le plus grand imbecile de ce forum. Je t'accorde le titre, c'est clair, tu as battu TOUT LE MONDE.
Voilà ce que russian_m3 vient de m'envoyer en PM:

Not to keep on going totally off topic in the olympics thread...

I feel bad for your kids.. Raising them to accept gays.. Imagine your son's friend tells him he likes him and you tell your son that he has to accept gays.. How would you like if your son gets fucked in the ass by his friend because gays are ok..

People like you grow a generation of products.. No traditional sense.. With parents like you, one day there will be no men/women but everyone is going to be unisex fucking each other.

You are a shame to men !

Russian_M3, your ignorance is only matched by your ego.
Pour le fun, un autre PM de notre russian_m3:

Russian_M3 said:
As mentioned in my previous PM, don't pollute the thread of the olympics as it hasn't been polluted enough..

As for raising kids in racism and not tolerate differences .. In Quebec, we live in the most racist province in Canada and most people don't accept differences.. I don't know which bubble you live in but as long as there will be differences people will always stick to their own kind and critic the different.. Its in the human nature.

Open your eyes a little more and look around you. Don't try to change the world you are not God.

Also, just because his friend is gay doesn't mean he's going to rape him. This isn't Russia.

Et dans la majeur partie des cas de lynchage d'homosexuels, ce sont des hétérosexuels qui les agressent sexuellement... Quelle ironie, hein, russian ?
Pour le fun, un autre PM de notre russian_m3:

Et dans la majeur partie des cas de lynchage d'homosexuels, ce sont des hétérosexuels qui les agressent sexuellement... Quelle ironie, hein, russian ?

Vagisil mon ami, prend ton vagisil

A tu fini de faire ton drame ?

Tu copie/paste des PM sur le thread, tu me fait penser à Brust jme demande quasiment si c'est pas ton account de SPM
Also, just because his friend is gay doesn't mean he's going to rape him. This isn't Russia.


Might as well close this thread. From now on nobody say anything bad about russia on the forum unless you want to be treated like a child and called a faggot.
There are positives and negatives to ANY country/city/district/house/trash can. Bashing each other over who's lawn is greener just makes you lot more ignorant.

But please carry on.
In the Ekaterininsky Kvartal hotel, the elevator is broken and the stairway is unlit, with stairs of varying and unpredictable heights

My hotel has no water. If restored, the front desk says, "do not use on your face because it contains something very dangerous."

Almost every room is missing something: lightbulbs, TVs, lamps, chairs, curtains, wifi, heat, hot water. Shower curtains are a valuable piece of the future black market here. (One American photographer was simply told, "You will not get a shower curtain.")

Went to buy water, realised at last minute was big plastic bottle of gin. Then got accosted by 3-legged dog

Tout simplement hilarant.
Les jeux risquent d'etre asser drole a regarder haha

Quelqu un sait si jean rene dufort fait un reportage ?

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