Dan Bilzerian Talks About His Ridiculous Lifestyle

Calvaire..... Dat déprime. À chaque fois que je vois quelque chose sur ce gars là je me demande comment le monde font pour le suivre régulièrement sur instagram. Moi j'me serais tiré une balle de jalousie y'a longtemps à me comparer à lui!!
Envy him... and then reflect upon how many people had to lose money they actually needed to get him up there... and then have a look at that booty!

I'd enjoy all of it just like he does!
So the guy is so full of himself that he needs to show off like this ?

I certainly envy some aspects of his life, but I much prefer rich people who keep it relatively low profile. One can be proud, but this is just too much.

PS: So many hot girls, dammmmmn.

Second PS: His lambo is fucking hot.
you'd think only 50 million wouldn't get you THAT much... especially the way he wastes it... wow! must have a wicked lawyer and investment banker...
Ya aussi un site internet de poker en ligne. Victory Poker. Encore la c'est évaluer a 100M..

Y'a surement autre chose parce que sérieusement c'est pratiquement impossible a la vitesse qu'il doit dépensé
For one Dan Bilzerian making millions on gambling, how many hundreds are flat broke and in the gutter?

For those tempted to follow him, check the odds of success first...

But good for him. It may not last a lifetime, but he certainly enjoyed his time at the top!