Quebec Hellaflush and the future of Eurokracy


New member
Many people have felt that this new "Hellaflush" guideline will hurt Eurokracy and that the event will die, I'm telling you that Eurokracy is here to stay.

I've been around long enough to know that the VW & Audi community has been through many fads and crackdowns, and at the end of the day Eurokracy will weather the storm along with the European automotive community.

I believe that the passing of these new guidelines will liberate Quebeckers to find their own unique styles and voices once again, and for us to be able to create new trends that the rest of the world will follow.

I'm excited for the future, and here's why:

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I'm no fan of the Hellaflush style, but I don't see it as a menace to anything. I don't know why they have to make regulations about...

However, I fully agree with "I believe that the passing of these new guidelines will liberate Quebeckers to find their own unique styles and voices once again".

As a tongue-in-cheek protest, perhaps we should evoke a style that is more in tune with the current state of our roads, rather than use one suited to the pool-table smooth SoCal streets. Something a little bit more like this...



fully agree...volkswagens and other euros have been modified way before hellaflush was around.

Exactly.. in Europe people have been poke and stretching since the 80's. All within TUV legality which is FAR FAR FAR more strict than the SAAQ.
It means no more ridiculous cars with stupid camber and stupid stretched tires.
It means hipsters will all sell their cars and have an identity crisis because they cant show off their car anymore.

I don't even know how can you even think about writing a letter to news paper and tv about this, if I was them I would laugh at you so hard and embarrass you. Government makes a law that makes total sense, because the cars you hipster drive are ridiculously dangerous, and you think people should complain to our government about this. Raise you car, put some normal tires and grow a pair of balls.