Acura Days of hell


New member
Woke up to start my Integra one morning to find the steering wheel hanging off and the column snapped.After this wtf moment,I realized I'm lucky to be alive.How does this happen?!?
No signs of break-in,nothing stolen!
Anyone out there have any useful info or advice??
Not getting any help from dealers since the car is older than any Acura/Honda warranties.FML:cry:
Wait, somebody tried to steal your car and you contacted the dealer? What does this have to do with the warranty?
Op is assuming the column snapped on its own. I think you're lucky to still have your car
My mechanic said the column snapped.No signs of forced entry,no casings removed,nothing ripped off.Nothing stolen.It wasn't cut off either.
I highly doubt your steering column just snapped on its own during the night man. You don't need a 'sign of forced entry' to be broken into, and they probably wanted your car, not your CDs.