News: Runaway Prius Story a Hoax

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L'accélération incontrôlée d'une Toyota Prius sur une autoroute près de San Diego le 8 mars, telle que décrite par son propriétaire à la police, est mise en doute par les enquêteurs fédéraux et les techniciens du constructeur japonais, rapporte dimanche le Los Angeles Times.Après l'incident, qui avait nécessité l'intervention de la police pour aider le conducteur, James Sikes, à immobiliser son véhicule, des enquêteurs de l'administration fédérale de la sécurité routière (NHTSA) et une équipe technique de Toyota avaient été dépêchés à San Diego pour étudier la Prius.

Last week James Sikes made headlines when his 2008 Toyota Prius raced out of control of a California highway, with speeds approaching 100 mph. Sikes claimed this was a case of unintended acceleration, with repeated attempts to stop the car not working. A believable story considering Toyota’s long list of recent recalls, it now appears to be a hoax with Runaway Prius Guy quickly becoming the next Balloon Boy.

A story that was riddled with misinformation (several outlets erroneously reporting that a California Highway Patrol officer had to use his cruiser to slow the Prius), Jalopnik uncovered that Sikes is in debt to the tune of $700,000 – motivation to fake the incident in order to get a settlement or to take Toyota to court. Sikes has repeated that he has no interest in suing Toyota, but now his story has been completely called into question.

A federal investigation of the Prius, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, has shown that the condition of the car’s brakes does not support Sikes’ story, in particular his insistence that repeated and forceful use of the brake pedal did not slow the car. According to the Journal, the investigation, “didn’t find signs the brake had been applied at full force at high speeds over a sustained period of time.”

It’s not yet clear if the damage from this story can be repaired, but Toyota is on the march to repair its name, recently debunking the ABC News story and the work of professor David Gilbert of Southern Illinois University.
lol even if the accelerator is "stuck" on WOT doesnt mean the brakes dont work (especially the EMERGENCY hand brake) and unless its a 600hp+ beast the breaks will not allow the car to go over say 10 mph after being applied continuously!!! and he could of just turned the ignition off!!!
So basically all this stuff about Toyota drivers being stupid was made up by Toyota drivers. Okay, I understand now.
I'm planning on puttong this sticker on my car back window: You've got a Toyota and you dont know how to make it stop?
Take the damn bus!
lol even if the accelerator is "stuck" on WOT doesnt mean the brakes dont work (especially the EMERGENCY hand brake) and unless its a 600hp+ beast the breaks will not allow the car to go over say 10 mph after being applied continuously!!! and he could of just turned the ignition off!!!

im not sure sure i would pull the hand brake on the highway at 100 :D
turning off the ignition is the logical thing to do. Its obvious people would try to use this recall stuff to their advantage. Last week I saw an article about a guy with a 97 (?) Camry saying his pedal was stuck. Those Camrys dont even have Electronic pedal/throttles!!!!!!!!
Edit: Found the article
lol even if the accelerator is "stuck" on WOT doesnt mean the brakes dont work (especially the EMERGENCY hand brake) and unless its a 600hp+ beast the breaks will not allow the car to go over say 10 mph after being applied continuously!!! and he could of just turned the ignition off!!!

Not true.

Read my thread on how to apply your brakes if your car is stuck at WOT.

When you are at WOT, there is no engine vaccume. The vaccume is what gives your car "power brakes". If you are at WOT, you only get about one or two presses of the brake pedal before you have no more assist and you are forced to apply the braking force with nothing more than the strength of your legs.

You of course will want to put your vehicle in neutral before you do this.
Les tests effectués sur la Prius font naître des doutes sur "la véracité de l'enchaînement d'événements rapportés par M. Sikes"

Ya de plus en plus de bashing sur Toyota au états-unie, c'est trop flagrant. Si les gm, ford et dodge peuvent enfin écraser toyota, ils vont tout faire pour les tuer... c mon avis personnel. C'est plus facile écraser ces adversaires que de s'élever a leur niveau.
Ya des recall bin plus dangereux sur des gm, dodge que sur des toyota.. si on regarde historiquement.

Messemble faut etre tarré pour pas comprendre qu'un véhicule ca se mettre sur le neutre pis ya un systeme de freinage hydraulique et mécanique pour arreter ces petites betes la.
stai claire que gars la voulais lattention des media et du Cash

peu pas etre imbesille de meme pour vrai.
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