Why Do We Blur License Plates Online?

When I started posted photos online of other people’s rides fifteen years ago, I always took care to blur the license plates. Why? People sometimes freaked out and threatened to sue me if they saw their plate online.

After it became impractical to find and blur license plates in hundreds of photos each week, I began to question why I was doing this at all. It’s not like anyone except an employee at the SAAQ could use this information to obtain someone’s address so while it’s “technically” possible that a plate could lead a thief to your home, the chances are so slim that it just makes no sense to worry about it.

There is also the other small problem: your plate is visible when you drive down the street! It was visible at the car show you just attended! It’s far more likely that a thief who somehow had access to a SAAQ computer and wanted to search for cars to steal would simply attend the car show and write the plate number down himself. If you’re that worried just take the plate off when you get to the show.

After a short while I just stopped blurring out plates. I figured there would be some backlash but surprisingly I can only recall one or two emails from people asking to take down their plates.

In short, don’t worry about seeing your license plate number online.

Discussion: http://www.montrealracing.com/forums/showthread.php?884039-So-why-do-we-always-blur-license-plates-when-posting-pictures-on-the-net