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Shit je vais ouvrir les yeux a boucherville moi aussi !!  mon ami me dis qu'il l'a vu passer proche du petro canada a coté de la  132 vers 8h30 ...
Oh man!  S15 stolen!  how rare is that car!  Bet you we'll find it driving along in south shore.
that sucks, thats a sick car! I live on the south shore, i'll keep be keeping my eyes open!
Ayoye j'suis vraiment désolé pour toi... ta 240 était débile! J'espère vraiment que tu réussiras à la retrouver et qu'elle ne sera pas trop en morceaux. Je vais garder les yeux ouverts et si je vois quelque chose de suspect je te PM! Bonne chance. ;)
That really sucks man, it was a nice car.Hope u get it back in one piece! Police is useless in Quebec, we should start an MR Car Theft Investigation group... (think lobster hand thief)
Theirs a black 1 thats been sleeping on forest in mtl north for the last few days, very clean and has only the driver side seat inside, passenger seat removed. Are your seats in gray leather?  I didnt pay enough attention to tha rims and stuff but tomorrow ill go check it out.
Theirs a black 1 thats been sleeping on forest in mtl north for the last few days, very clean and has only the driver side seat inside, passenger seat removed. Are your seats in gray leather?  I didnt pay enough attention to tha rims and stuff but tomorrow ill go check it out.
 no mine was stolen last night after 10 pm
moi jme suis fait volé ma civic eg6 dans nuit sa fait un bout (1ans) ils l'ont retrouvé a st-luc proche du shell le gars se promenais avec comme de rien !! cris ils roulais avec mon char a meme pas 15 min de chez nous
Did you buy it recently? I was looking at that exact car not too long ago on lespac.Goodluck finding it though man, fucking thieves.
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