A 30 second video that will probably have you shopping for a HANS device.


Legacy Member
Awesome short clip demonstrating the difference between your neck in a hans device (co-driver) during a crash and your neck being responsible for supporting your helmet and your head by itself in a crash (driver)... Almost as drastic as that US anti-narcotics "your brain on drugs" campaign back in the 90's.
The harness, holding his shoulders in place is doing exactly as it was intended to do. However without the proper equipment you can see his neck suffers near or greater than a 90 degree bend! Meanwhile the co-driver is about as comfortable as you could be in a 35-40mph crash. ...and yes.. This is probably only 35-40mph! I can't imagine he'd be lifting his head back up had it been any faster.

Taken from miataturbo.net.

Seems there's a new design from this company NecksGen.

Not sure how much I'd trust a new company, but definitely something to keep an eye on.

Je pense que ce sont eux qui faisaient le DefNder auparavant.

(Qui ont fermé après une poursuite de Hans)
Wow asser impressionnant ce vidéo, surtout considérant l'impact qui n'est pas d'une force démesurée!
Question (and possibly a stupid one at that): would this not be easier to get a concussion? yes, it would protect the neck and whiplash, but wouldn't the forces be transferred down and up?
Question (and possibly a stupid one at that): would this not be easier to get a concussion? yes, it would protect the neck and whiplash, but wouldn't the forces be transferred down and up?

I'm certainly not a doctor, but the HANS was developed to prevent basilar skull fractures. Essentially in an accident the weight of your head combines with the weight of your helmet and are multiplied (I assume) by the G-forces involved. The base of your skull and neck take the force of this, and break when there's too much force applied. Perfectly survivable accidents (like Dale Earnheart Sr's Daytona 500 accident) become deadly.

That said, crashing really hard, is crashing really hard...there's no two ways about that. Solve one problem and move to the next weakest point down the line like you said.

At some point, the forces involved in an accident can become too great on the body to survive, regardless of the technology you're wearing. If your brain is bouncing around in your skull to the point of bruising...you're right, you're in big trouble. It would seem though that the neck is more likely break first before a life threatening brain injury occurs.

I think the point is not to die for a preventable reason, and many drivers did die until the HANS was introduced and widely accepted. Same principle for the "halo" seats in side impacts.
^ Good words !
Safety issue worth commenting on, while on vacation.

FYI- I am not a medical professional either... Just read a lot.
The below info is my personal opinion.

IMHO much better off with the HANS and HALO seats.

The head wouldn't whip , as seen in the video)
The tethers would limit angular rotation along with reducing the velocity of the impact.
(Tethers would stretch a bit , and the apparatus would absorb some kinetic energy)

Have a look at the last three paragraphs on page 13 here:
(Can't quote it here with my Ipad) Have a look!

http://www.theracedepot.com/HANS/HANS Owner's.pdf

Aloha !

Dave S
y a tu des date d'expiration sur un hans comme un banc ou ceinture?

Eh oui. Il y a des dates sur tous les équipements de sécurité maintenant. Sinon, une fois que tout le monde aura un Hans, Hans ferait faillite... ;)

Au moins, tu peux juste le faire inspecter, pas obligé de le changer au complet.
Je présume que comme les ceintures, les « tethers » doivent s'étirer dans un accident pour absorber un tout petit peu de décélération. Il faut donc au stricte minimum les remplacés suite à un accident.

Pour l'unité elle-même, des fois c'est vraiment difficile à dire si elle a subi des fractures ou micro-fractures. Une très bonne inspection serait un ordre, mais pour être sûr à 100 % il faut la remplacer à mon avis ...

C'est sûr que c'est des $$$ mais par contre c'est ta vie, ou qualité de vie, suite à un accident que tu cherche à protéger.