Awesome 360 of a beautiful production studio!

Pretty cool, I'm surprised he's using KRK's with that much invested, I guess he uses what works for him though. Wonder what keyboard is on his tray, looks silver... Not sure if there's many silver workstations on the market, could be a fantom or maybe just a low end m-audio midi controller?
Anyone has an idea how much all that stuff is worth? I know NOTHING of music equipment. Id guestimate 50 000$? :dunno:
Anyone has an idea how much all that stuff is worth? I know NOTHING of music equipment. Id guestimate 50 000$? :dunno:

Looks like a lot of it is used, so it's hard to say. I'd say it could definitely be around that 50k ball park though, especially if the person bought it all new... To give you an idea, on the right side of the room - Ontop of the black box with knobs is a Kaoss pad, runs about $300-$400. Up to the right of that is a Native instruments Maschine is a sampler/drum machine - Runs about $700-$800(New from this year) and is one hell of a studio arsenal, it can pretty much do anything when it comes to drums/sampling etc... The AKG-702 headphones on the left rack are about $300-$400 too, Great quality for their price.

The room is way to messy for me, I'd never be able to be in an environment like that, Everything is too cramped up and shit.
Its actually very organized for a studio with that much gear. If you guys use the grab-tool and point it to the ceiling, you'll see he's even put up acoustics there too. Some of you might have noticed the Roland TR-909 that sits on the table behind the desk. This beautiful piece of gear is what gave birth to techno in the 80s-90s.

By the way, it belongs to Robert Babicz, a well respected producer and gearslut. Glad to see theres others interested in this kinda stuff!
Its actually very organized for a studio with that much gear. If you guys use the grab-tool and point it to the ceiling, you'll see he's even put up acoustics there too. Some of you might have noticed the Roland TR-909 that sits on the table behind the desk. This beautiful piece of gear is what gave birth to techno in the 80s-90s.

By the way, it belongs to Robert Babicz, a well respected producer and gearslut. Glad to see theres others interested in this kinda stuff!

Yeah you're absolutely right, it really isn't all THAT bad, but again for me, I guess cause I'm a neat freak for my studio, I'd probably just have it that much nicer.

It's awesome seeing the TR-909 too, emu SP-12 was the predecessor of the SP-1200(King of drum machines)

I wonder if he bothered doing the proper tests for the acoustics or he just slapped them where he thought would be best.

Btw thanks for the share, this is really cool shit. I absolutely fucking love seeing studios and getting more ideas on what I can do. I just finished designing the basics of my desk, hoping to build it soon. I'm still undecided on what materials to use, I'm thinking MDF cause it's still very solid but not very expensive, I'll probably just paint it black(sides) and maybe put a laminate top on it so it'll stay nice for a very long time.
bassACE he's a mastering engineer too, 200euros/track. Im sure he treated his room acoustically, look at the ceiling and stuff. He's an engineer so obviously the rooms gotta be done right.

bassACE he's a mastering engineer too, 200euros/track. Im sure he treated his room acoustically, look at the ceiling and stuff. He's an engineer so obviously the rooms gotta be done right.

Interesting track, last half of the song was pretty dope man. I'm also not surprised I've never heard of him, I rarely ever listen to house/techno/trance etc... at $200 euro a track for mastering, that's actually pretty cheap for a "well known" producer.

Please excuse me while I go change my underwear to go get ready so I can go buy a new office chair LOL!! Holy Fackkk his home studio is EPICC!!! :D

Hans is for sure one of the best composers of our time. It's incredible to see what his home studio looks like lol.

That photographer likes HDR images a bit too much, they look nice... But I find it makes it look like a damn video game or something.