Man Officially Cured of HIV!!!!

Yeah, problem is stem cell research should be banned because it doesn't coincide with my religious beliefs. - lulz.
They stop have much work to make it an actual "cure"
. Its a big step though
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^^ he had HIV, not AIDS yet. It does not become AIDS usually for ten years or until immune system problems appear.

Its an amazing step in the right direction I wonder how much this all cost.
Don't they already have something for this? but it needs to be taken 2 hours after you have been infected...

And how credible is this? This would be front page of every news letter IMO
yes, with 150 000 $ Cash that you inject in your veins.

that's the real cure of HIV.

btw, Gizmodo is the *Journal de montreal* of the internet, it's not a reliable source of infromations.