Modern Warfare 2

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matt the mission on the roof top we always see on youtube, there is a way to get on the cranes outside the building insane sniping spot.
so microplay Vimont is opening at 12?
if you dont have a copy reserved dont waste your time, they are all spoken for, the english versions. fabreville has some copies left as of yesterday, my friend was sent there to preorder his regular english copy.
$#@%@# Steam.... it wont unlock the game until the 12th.... guess i'll have to go to FS and buy it for the pc tomorrow and cancel my preorder.
I'm going tomorrow morning at 7am (Gamestop Angrignon).

This shit is going to be doppeee too bad I don't have time to play tomorrow though :(
does anyone know if any of the stores bestbuy future shop or any gaming store that will have the regualr copies left i didnt preorder lool
I work at futureshop, they told me theyre expecting to have over 300 copies so you should be fine.
ebgames m'ont dit qu'ils ont plusieurs centaines de copies de plus que les preorders
c'est Call of Duty la... c'est pas Demon's Soul... meme ta grand mere va pouvoir l'acheter a la fin de son shift a 5h
lol Battlefield doesnt compare. its garbage multiplayer. fucking over PC gamers just cause they got rid of designated servers?

Wow you really don't have a clue do you? You play Xbox I take it?

Dedicated servers = king. Without them there's no point in playing any of these games. #1 reason why playing on console ruins the entire experience, You play with a dinky controller with bad lag and shitty experiences.

BF2 alone was 10x better than most FPS's out today, BF-BC1 was only for console unfortunately or there wouldn't even be a playerbase on CoD4+

BF-BC2 is going to dominate, MW2 will be dead by march. Large scale maps, Real time strategy, Much more realistic environments, Real sniping, Vehicles, Planes, Helicopters, Destructible environments....Shit yeah that doesn't stand a chance against MW2 right?
got a question for the guys that got their game tonight.. got mine at microplay at midnight and my game is only in french!?

they box has english and french writing, the disc has enlish writing only also.. my dashboard on my xbox is in english.. and when i put the game in it's in frnech and couldn't find a way to change the language..

any body else have this problem? called microplay and i gotta drop by tomorrow to see if their other copies do the same thing or if it's only mine..
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