MR VIP LIST for B4 nightclub

I'm down to go dressed up as some gangsta I say we all wear blue and scare the fucking shit out of these kids l
pedobear invasion incomming at b4 night club.

moi j'amene une caisse de 24 de budweiser pis jvais a vendre 5$ la biere... shitload of profit
When everyone leaves, we should get like 20-30 25 year olds, dress up like grangsters and just stare them all down and wave gang signs at them as they walk through the parking lot.

HAHAHAHA oh man this is fucking gold!! I can't even imagine the looks on their faces as they shit themselves.
All we gotta do is shave and dress up like ti-counes

The pedobear suit would be FKIN awesome, imagine just seeing 10 pedobears hop in the place

Juste 10 ??? Moar !!!!
Comme le vidéo du monde habillés pareil comme les vendeurs de Best Buy qui se promenent dans le Best Buy, au moins 30/40 lol