Need detective work in the Beaconsfield area for tomorrow afternoon...


New member
Hey guys, a friend from quebec city is having doubts about his new girlfriend. It's two sundays in a row that she's seen around Mtl with another guy but she denies it and says that she's shopping with her cousin(girl). It was said to him that the guy looks like her ex BF and I found out the address where he lives (mommys house). I wouldn't be asking this if tomorrow wasnt my daughters birthday but if one of you can pass in front of this house and take a pic (cel) if you spot a late 90s toyota tercel dark green in the driveway it would be greatly appreciated. Please pm me for the address and apparently she usually parks there between 1-5pm and they take the guys car to downtown. Thanks for helping another guy out and giving him the best x-mas present ever....taking out the garbage.
The chosen one should perhaps ring the doorbell and say:" hey.....i'm here for the gangbang ?"

In for possible lulzy pshop's as well
She should be there tomorrow afternoon I was told. If she's gonna be there I kind of feel bad for the guy since his in Qc city on a contrat for the next three weeks. Like they say "when the cats away the mice will play". For those who will help out please respect the fact that this is the guys parents house and they obviously have nothing to do with this. thanks


pay me my gas to go there (about 10 bucks) and i'm going to go there and check it out (just don't forget the address)
because it's so hard to dump somebody you don't trust at all anymore, you always need pictures to back you up /endsarcasm

real life turned into the internet, you have to show proof when you say something. lol at both, grow a pair
I have nothing to do at this time tomorrow and would actually be down for the little drive, but Idk.