Point D'inaptitude!

I'm not beeing a Karen BTW,my big boy pants are on and my adult logical brain is just trying to figure out how holding a cell phone with the GPS on is less distracting then a 12" screen in ur face with ur GPS....

And don't say cause ur holding it in ur hand cause in that case eating a sandwich or smoking a cigarette while driving should be illegal too....???

Your probably not old enough to have seen the evolution of the law

the original idea was to ban cell phone usage ..end of story

but obvioulsy politic entered the game so, so hand free usage was accepted ... that was prir to the current phone and text was in it infancy but already an issue

then current phone start showing, they wanted to permit gps and other function but no text facebook ext

Angle legally how do you do that, since you can't see the screen , that how the obligation of hand free was again confirmed

the big issue always have been that talking to the phone tend move your attention off the road , talking to your passenger doesn't do it as much

for having it in hand, just having it in hand is no worse than any other water bottle. the issue is you don't look at your water bottle. an in hand the position is then very low removing your eye from the right position

a bit like looking at the center console but worse

In short be happy that you have this weird law and can still use it, the intent was to remove it all the way

And cell phone is still in the upper position for traffic accident

Personnaly i tend to play with it a bit to much, so i bought a quadlock case .... you just clip it there end of story

PS yes points on the tickets are just there for information, the justice system send the guilty status to the saaq who remove the points
judge can't remove points. Other than saying your not guilty lol
^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Shut up. Law is stupid strict and you know it.
Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄
^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄

I surely don't, but I'm not here crying I got caught driving with my cell phone in my hands. Good luck with your lawyer, hopefully he's smarter then you.
^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄
it's that much expensive so you don't do it again. I think it should be more expensive, the same as skipping a school bus would be enough. Funny enough, I people I know that have been busted are no longer doint it.

Like GEV
Like Drinking and Driving
Like skipping a school bus.

How many time you see people driving like shit or magicly looking at their dick at a stop light.

You could be on your cellphone, not looking at the road for 3 seconds and kill/hurt someone.

If it was 80$ and two points, your ticked would already been paid and you would have driven with your phone in hand 10 times since.

I'm not sure if it's more a fuck around and find out or a play stupid game win stupid prize situation here.
^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄
if i look into my old infraction book 2017 is was 80$ plus les frais and 4 points

i suspect it was not doing the intented effect , and 5 points will bust the new driver permit in one ticket so that may have been the intent
^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄
500 seem to be wrong

cell phone article is 443.1 and cost is 300$ plus some other fee , but fee are incremental i forgot how fast they go up

509.2.2. Le conducteur d’un véhicule routier qui contrevient à l’article 443.1 commet une infraction et est passible d’une amende de 300 $ à 600 $. En cas de récidive, l’amende minimale est portée au double.
2018, c. 7, a. 143.

i saw the bicycle version was only 80$
C'est pas Metro666 qui s'est fait rentré dedans par un conducteur distrait? Il a perdu l'usage de ses jambes... C'est pas rien! On ignore s'il regardait son téléphone ou wtv. Il y a un autre membre sur MR, le camionneur qui est décédé parce qu'il a embouti un autre camion, il était distrait parce qu'il avait la mauvaise habitude d'être ''scotché'' sur son cellulaire au volant.

Loi niaiseuse quand on se fait prendre mais l'impact est réel.
^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄

here is a bit of the discussion why having it in hand is like using it

Mme Dion (Helen) : Écoutez, les grandes difficultés qu'on a, c'est l'interprétation juridique qui en est faite par les juges de différentes instances. On comprendra que nous, on a à faire la preuve de l'utilisation de l'appareil cellulaire, exemple, et de tous ces objets-là, d'objets de distraction, donc ce n'est pas... Et le fait d'avoir à démontrer l'utilisation est assez difficile parce qu'on n'est pas à côté du conducteur, évidemment. Mais, ce qu'on disait, c'est que, si on voyait qu'il avait en main un objet, ça pouvait constituer l'infraction comme telle, sans avoir à démontrer s'il fonctionnait ou pas.

Et c'est à ça qu'on est confrontés, d'avoir à démontrer... Il faut demander au conducteur de nous donner son cellulaire, vérifier s'il avait... Et ça, ça met l'interaction entre le policier et le citoyen dans une drôle de position parce qu'il va dire : Bien là, vous allez avoir accès à mes choses privées. Et on peut comprendre le conducteur de s'insurger contre ça, mais nous, on doit démontrer qu'il l'utilisait. Donc, c'est assez difficile de faire preuve avec les nouvelles jurisprudences. Ce qu'on souhaite, c'est que ce soit simplement : on voit qu'il l'a à la main, commet l'offense.

M. Lemay : Est-ce que vous vouliez rajouter quelque chose?

M. Beauregard (Marco) : Comme c'est le cas actuellement avec le téléphone cellulaire, le simple fait de le posséder dans sa main constitue l'utilisation, et présentement, devant les tribunaux, ça tient la route

^^^ hahaha thanks man I'm def old enough, I was around but never really paid attention to the evolution of the law. But it's interesting to know that!

Anyways it's in the hands of my lawyer! Hopefully I could save some points.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not but punishment def doesn't fit the crime! 500$ +5 points is a little over the top!

I guess I'll listen to almoststock now and always keep my hands at 10 and 2, juste like he does! 🙄🙄🙄
Exactly what I said. I was replying to 'Assurance Auto'