PQ éclaboussé... Marois demande l'arrêt des procédures à la Commission Charbonneau

X2... Op est comme fox news... Il interprète à son goût... Et je suis pas péquiste.

This is worst then fox news, worst shitty thread name ive seen in a long time i was hopping to see a new about the statement of marois and i only see this....
The OP is really as bad as fox news
since i ignore fox news from a long time i will not open anymore thread from OP when he talk about news!!
This is worst then fox news, worst shitty thread name ive seen in a long time i was hopping to see a new about the statement of marois and i only see this....
The OP is really as bad as fox news
since i ignore fox news from a long time i will not open anymore thread from OP when he talk about news!!
