Where to move to in Toronto...?


New member
I'm thinking about moving to TO for a few reasons and I'm wondering where I should look for a apt. I'm not familiar with the surounding ares. Downtown TO is mad expensive eg: 1 bedroom 1500 $ so I'm thinking a bit outaide of the downtown area. I have a car so no problem.

Any ideas where I should look. And apart craigslist and kijiji any other sites I can check out for apts? Thanks again guys and girls :):beer:
Get a roommate and you'll be able to afford downtown/mid-town. I wouldn't go east of the DvP or north of the 401 (unless you live right off yonge) I guess it all depends on what you wanna do be doing and where you work. I've been looking into for a while.
J'ai habité là pendant 1 an et personnelement, j'ai pas trippé du tout ...
La "culture" est très différente ... C'est tres accès sur le travail et un mode de vie ultra merchantile ...
J'ai trouver les Torontois plutôt "Up tight"

Mais bon... La grande ville c'est juste pas fait pour moi :p

Pour répondre à ta question :

BEECHES (all the way!!)
Dans l'ouest près de Ossington

En gros:
l'ouest c'est plus "jeune", branché, artiste, limite Hipster...
L'est c'est plus familiale, "sportif" , parc et plus "ptite vie tranquile"

J'avais un petit 4 1/2 pour 1 450$ dans les beeches pres de woodbine ... 2min de marche de la grosse plage du lac Ontario... Plein de piste cyclable, terrain de beach volley ... Et t'es a 25/30 min de streetcar de Younge.
I lived in the Queen st E area, right where the Don valley parkway meets lakeshore. It's close to the beaches, 3-4 km from downtown, a bit more ghetto but its an upcoming area. A lot of people buy houses there and renovate them so it's turning rich quickly. Don't go into Chinatown just north of there though, that's just dirty lol

I must say though, Toronto sucks balls its a stale and depressing city. I would compare it to industrial revolution era London, people go there to work and nothing else. And real estate is expensive as fuark, it takes at best N hour to drive from anywhere to anywhere...I would definitely recommend a trial period before you permanently move there to see whether you like it or not.
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Je vais souvent à Toronto, c'est une très belle ville d'affaire mais sérieusement autre chose que ça, je ne vois pas ce que cette ville à a m'offrir tandis que tu as tout à MTL sauf les routes. Tu veux faire du sport de plein air, t'es servit ici, 30 min des centres de ski, des festivals il en pleut, vie sociale, resto, les filles sont jolie et t'as même les carrés rouges que eux n'ont pas!!! En plus c'est cheap vivre ici, l'immobilier est po cher.

Ce que tu vas payer en logement, déplacement, assurance de voiture, tu vas vouloir brailler à moins que tu gagnes vraiment bien.
Maybe you should look in the GTA close to a highway if you're living alone.

In other threads, everyone complains and talks shit about Montreal. When someone wants to leave, "Montreal is better"? Come on...
Maybe you should look in the GTA close to a highway if you're living alone.

In other threads, everyone complains and talks shit about Montreal. When someone wants to leave, "Montreal is better"? Come on...

I do t like either Montreal or Toronto but if I'd have to choose, Montreal wins hands down all else being equal.
I understand mtl is cheaper better and all that. But hey I just want a change and TO seeems interesting. I have friends and family there and a job oportunity. Thanks for the consteuctive comments ill check out the areas you guys mentioned.
Live close to your job, don't do like the average torontonian and drive 2 hours each way in traffic.
I live in etobicoke, close to Humber college. Traffic sucks... City is boring. Very brown all around. Montreal is better bud. Rent and insurance is literally ass rape.
The only thing that's making me wanna leave Montreal it's the God damn pos of roads. I know I can get a SUV or something that handle roads better but I like it low right now, not take pleasant, oh well.

Sent FroM ThaT SeXy s3
Si tu travail dans les truc en finance a toronto est-ce que il y a des trucs a proximité de ça, pas trop cher ?
Next to your job.. traffic in TO is horrible!

Try n set it up so that there's a grocery / LCBO / beer store in between your job n home ;)