Comment est-ce que vous donner de pourboire au restaurant quand vous avez du mauvais

Dans un bar, c'Est chiant parce que si tu veux qu'a revienne te voir, ou si tu veux qu'a te regarde quand tu vas retourner la voir, un tip honnête peu importe le service est incontournable.
Pour un dejeuner admetons, j'ai besoin d'Avoir pas mal tlt du café dans ma tasse. C'est pas la fin du monde si j'en manque 5-10 minutes, mais si tu passes à peine 1x me le remplir, asteur ça je le déduits du tip laissé. Pareille pour le ketchup, je suis du genre a le demander en commandant, a le répéter à la livraison, et si rendu là c'est pas ultra-rapid, ça se peut que ça paraisse.

Si à l'inverse la personne est drôle, sympatique et attentionné, il faut upgrader le traditionnel 15%.
Moi ce qui me fait suer c'est de ''devoir'' donner 1-2$ a l'air bete a fausse boule qui te fait attendre 10 min pcq a prend des shooters avec d'autre client pour qu'elle se penche et te donne une bieretropcherepastasorte..

Faut ben que sa se paye des boules.
I always leave minimum 15% and 20% in the US.

If there's a problem with the service I'll let the waiter know. If he doesn't have any initiative to fix the problem I'll talk to the manager, but I still leave a tip.

Lemme throw some numbers at you guys, say nobody tips a fictional waiter in QC, it would cost him money to go to work because our lovely govt taxes their SALES instead of their tips. This is what it would cost him to go to work.

Let's say waiter x works 5 shifts / 30 hours. He sells approximately 2000$ per shift, so 10000$ in sales.

Salary @ 8.90$ per hour: 267$
Tip out to busboy/bartender/other 3%: 300$
Income taxes on 8% of sales and salary approx (declared income of 1067$): 265$ per week

So basically if nobody tips, it would cost waiter X about 300$ a week with the current system in place. That works out to a yearly net income of NEGATIVE 15600$.

Why is this the customers problem? Its not. But one way or another you'll pay. If everyone collectively decides to stop tipping, two possible outcomes are likely; either qualified waiters will look for work elsewhere, or restaurants will increase their prices by 15-20%. So IMO if you don't like it, just cook at home.
Selon la lois, tu dois payer 15%, si un restaurateur voudrait te faire chier il pourrait t'amener en court et perdre son temps et le tiens pour recevoir son p'tit 10$. Un serveur arrogant tu lui donne ce qu'il mérite et c'est tout, si tu te fais servir par des serveurs arrogant c'est surment parce que tu fréquente des restos ''m'as-tu vu''. Moi j'aimes manger dans des bistros et le service est habituellement beaucoup plus chaleureux. Encore une fois comme j'ai dit, le faible % de profit qu'un restaurateur fait par assiettes justifie le fait qu'il ne peux pas offrir des meilleurs salaires à ses employées. Donc vu que les clients ne veulent pas payer des prix qui paieraient les salaires du staff, le client doit payer le salaire du serveur. À préciser que ce phénomène n'existe pas en Europe par exemple où le pourboire est inclus dans le coùts des repas. Être restaurateur c'est généralement pas rose du tout comme style de vie. Bref, je suis pas la pour m'obstiner, j'essaie juste de vous faire comprendre la réalité dernière le pourboire.

Dont talk as if you know me or know where i go fool. My family and relatives have been running restaurants for years and years. As for arrogant pricks i was refering to the clown and its alikes in this thread. I have personally never encountered those kinds in real life.
Tip is included in the bill in europe. Cool. Well guess what, tip is none existent in asia. Your point was?

So you are saying because customers dont wanna pay so restaurant takes out portion of employee's wages to lower the price? Lol I dont buy that bullshit theory of yours. And it sounds like a desparate attempt to attract customers. But let's just assume that the type of places you go is really like that. Still, how is that a customer's problem? Force customers to pay tip? Sure try that and tell me how your business go.

No matter the reality behind tip or wtv bullshit you are trying to prove, all im saying is customers are only responsible for what's written on the bill. Anything else is voluntary. Prove me wrong.
Dont talk as if you know me or know where i go fool. My family and relatives have been running restaurants for years and years. As for arrogant pricks i was refering to the clown and its alikes in this thread. I have personally never encountered those kinds in real life.
Tip is included in the bill in europe. Cool. Well guess what, tip is none existent in asia. Your point was?

So you are saying because customers dont wanna pay so restaurant takes out portion of employee's wages to lower the price? Lol I dont buy that bullshit theory of yours. And it sounds like a desparate attempt to attract customers. But let's just assume that the type of places you go is really like that. Still, how is that a customer's problem? Force customers to pay tip? Sure try that and tell me how your business go.

No matter the reality behind tip or wtv bullshit you are trying to prove, all im saying is customers are only responsible for what's written on the bill. Anything else is voluntary. Prove me wrong.

Ow soo you're Mr know it all because your asian family cooks fried cat ?

ain't care mane, we're in Qc not in europe, Tip your shit thats the way it works here

IMO you should get a life supply of uncle ben's and fish sticks or kitten sticks wtv , this way you'll never have to pay that awfull tip ever again

fuckan asian
Dont talk as if you know me or know where i go fool. My family and relatives have been running restaurants for years and years. As for arrogant pricks i was refering to the clown and its alikes in this thread. I have personally never encountered those kinds in real life.
Tip is included in the bill in europe. Cool. Well guess what, tip is none existent in asia. Your point was?

So you are saying because customers dont wanna pay so restaurant takes out portion of employee's wages to lower the price? Lol I dont buy that bullshit theory of yours. And it sounds like a desparate attempt to attract customers. But let's just assume that the type of places you go is really like that. Still, how is that a customer's problem? Force customers to pay tip? Sure try that and tell me how your business go.

No matter the reality behind tip or wtv bullshit you are trying to prove, all im saying is customers are only responsible for what's written on the bill. Anything else is voluntary. Prove me wrong.

Mon but n'était en aucun cas de t'offusquer mais clairement tu as la mèche courte, passé une mauvaise journée l'infinite ? Relis la citation de dubweiser si tu ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi tu dois tipper.
Dont talk as if you know me or know where i go fool. My family and relatives have been running restaurants for years and years. As for arrogant pricks i was refering to the clown and its alikes in this thread. I have personally never encountered those kinds in real life.
Tip is included in the bill in europe. Cool. Well guess what, tip is none existent in asia. Your point was?

So you are saying because customers dont wanna pay so restaurant takes out portion of employee's wages to lower the price? Lol I dont buy that bullshit theory of yours. And it sounds like a desparate attempt to attract customers. But let's just assume that the type of places you go is really like that. Still, how is that a customer's problem? Force customers to pay tip? Sure try that and tell me how your business go.

No matter the reality behind tip or wtv bullshit you are trying to prove, all im saying is customers are only responsible for what's written on the bill. Anything else is voluntary. Prove me wrong.

You know nothing about the restaurant business.

Don't even try to have an argument here.
Sure. You don't know jack shit about the restaurant business. That's all that needs to be said.

You threw numbers and it's supposed to somehow prove that tipping is mandatory? :dunno:
All you are proving is how the system made so that tipping is important to business owners and perhaps to waiters. All this assuming everyone collectively doesnt tip anymore at all. Which i have never said and wanted?

How about teaching employees how to offer good services and firing those who treat customers like shit but still wants tip? Now that will get you some good tip you need. Not the lecture of how tips affect your business.

Know jackshit about restaurant business? Lol all this because i said tipping is not mandatory for customers ? Which is a fact unless specified? Ok there restaurant. Relax. I understand that this subject is sensitive to you.

Just in case you wanna know, i've never left restaurants without tipping after my meal. My base starts at 15% often ranges up to 30% depending how exceptional the service was. Ive never really had any shit service thats worth mentioning so far. So never had a chance to leave 0 or penny tip.
Mon but n'était en aucun cas de t'offusquer mais clairement tu as la mèche courte, passé une mauvaise journée l'infinite ? Relis la citation de dubweiser si tu ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi tu dois tipper.

It's coo, im just sharing my opinion.

And no. Personne DOIT tipper.
It's not hard to understand.
Tip itself is voluntary. Part of the tip is necessary for the restaurant sure but still not mandatory. Restaurant loses money due to either shit service or simply due to cheap customers, or actually makes money due to exceptional service offered. It's part of their game, not customers.

.... Tipping 15% a formal law not an informal law for the reasons elaborated by Dubweiser on page 5 of this thread.

Exerpt from your link:


Le pourboire comprend les sommes remises volontairement par les clients au salarié, ou les frais de service ajoutés à leur note. Il appartient entièrement au salarié qui a rendu le service, peu importe s'il a été versé directement ou non. Il ne doit pas être confondu avec le salaire.
le tip c'est tellement rendu ridicule , desfois jpense a plus sortir ds les resto/bar/club tellement on se fait fourrer.

brb jtai amener une bouteille de champagne a place dune bouteille de Vodka faque donne moi 20$ prq le prix est plus cher.
brb jtai amener une assiete de homard a place d'une assiette de pate donc 10$ de plus.

pis lol au monde de bar/club qui arrete pas de se plaindre que le monde tip mal , si t'es pas content change de job , y vont pas avoir de misère te remplacer dans ta job de pauvre que tlm peut faire.

C'est quoi l'idee que c'est les clients qui doivent payer pour les employers du resto ? pourquoi il boost juste pas le prix des assietes pour compenser ? ah prq sinon y vont sen sacrer pis y vont cracher dans nos assietes lol vraiment professionel comme milieu de travail. Pis sérieusement jmen criss bien raide que les restaurateurs font pas une cenne LOL c'est une compagnie privé et personne les oblige a aller dans une domaine aussi competitif. C'est quoi vous diriez si quelqu'un partirait une entreprise de rénovation de toiture et il demanderais aux clients de tipper ses employers prq sinon y fait pas assez d'argent ? Pis c'est bizzare aussi que tous les serveur disent que si y sont mal tipper y vont "perdre " de largent , mais si on leur proprose un salaire fixe c'est les 1er a etre contre. Le milieu de la restauration est pathetique , pas etonnant les etablissement arrete pas de fermer pis ouvrir sans arrêt.



C'est quoi vous diriez si quelqu'un partirait une entreprise de rénovation de toiture et il demanderais aux clients de tipper ses employers prq sinon y fait pas assez d'argent ?

Heille el'gros, c'est ben plus forçant travailler au bar à ouvrir des bouteilles de bière au gars chaud que travailler sur un toit au mois de Juin là tsé !
gestion va plotter ta blonde laitte ak ses gencives de cheval t'as besoin de passer un peu de frustration!

choisi bien tes insultes p-e que tu vas réussir à nous faire de la peine.

t fife man

Il essaye de voir jusqu'a ou il peut insulter un mod avant de se faire bannir. Je lui ai meme pas donne d'infraction lol.

I always leave minimum 15% and 20% in the US.

If there's a problem with the service I'll let the waiter know. If he doesn't have any initiative to fix the problem I'll talk to the manager, but I still leave a tip.

Lemme throw some numbers at you guys, say nobody tips a fictional waiter in QC, it would cost him money to go to work because our lovely govt taxes their SALES instead of their tips. This is what it would cost him to go to work.

Let's say waiter x works 5 shifts / 30 hours. He sells approximately 2000$ per shift, so 10000$ in sales.

Salary @ 8.90$ per hour: 267$
Tip out to busboy/bartender/other 3%: 300$
Income taxes on 8% of sales and salary approx (declared income of 1067$): 265$ per week

So basically if nobody tips, it would cost waiter X about 300$ a week with the current system in place. That works out to a yearly net income of NEGATIVE 15600$.

Why is this the customers problem? Its not. But one way or another you'll pay. If everyone collectively decides to stop tipping, two possible outcomes are likely; either qualified waiters will look for work elsewhere, or restaurants will increase their prices by 15-20%. So IMO if you don't like it, just cook at home.

This is absolutely ridiculous. As far as I am aware, the 10-20% suggested tip is encouraged but in no way an obligation by law. (correct me if I'm wrong, I know you are in the business and know exactly how it works). So then why does the gov impose income tax on a waiters sales and the restaurant taxes an automatic % for the rest of the staff, regardeless of how much tip they made??? I'm guessing that before, waiters would just declare very little tip compared to what they were actually making (when receiving cash) and that may be the reason why the Gov imposed this system but it's still bogus if a fixed tip% is not required by law.

The logical thing to do, if the GOV wants to butt in and control everything, is to make the tip automatic and all restaurants add X amount to the bill as tip....and it could be called a service tax. If the customer wants to leave more fine but this way there's no gray area. For worst than expected service, just like in any other business, the client can speak to the manager or/and not come back.