This puts in perspective just how insanely fast the Tesla Model S Plaid is

Est-ce que la peinture de Tesla est pire que celle des Honda?

Tesla ont un excellent produit, sont des pionniers dans le domaine mais ne sont pas parfaits. Jamais je n'en achèterais une par contre. Pas pour la fiabilité, la peinture, les panel gaps (ça s'arrange facilement) mais tout simplement pour leur design d'intérieur. Je suis un vieux bonhomme et ça me prend des boutons physiques pour contrôler les fonctions d'un véhicule. Une grosse tablette dans le milieu du dash pour la radio et l'infotainment? Ça me va tant qu'il y a un bouton pour le volume. Par contre, pour contrôler ma chaufferette? Nope nope nope.

En effet c’est vraiment chiant avoir à tout gérer avec un touchscreen avec les belles routes du Qc…
La peinture est honnêtement pas si pire sur celles que j’ai vus et plus observer de près personnellement (et ça doit faire une douzaine maintenant).

One of my good friends is a dealer and he got a brand new Model X Plaid last Friday (white one) and a black one this week in stock.

I drove the white one last Friday evening and even at 48% SOC, it was the most insane acceleration I’ve ever experienced period, in anything. You literally feel your guts being pushed to your spine and the fluids in your head pushed to back of your skull. The craziest part is that it seems like the car pushes harder the faster you go, like power output is traction limited under 80-90kmh. 0-160 ish is nothing. And we didn’t even launch it in drag mode. He did a few days later and said it was even faster then. It’s simply unbelievable how fast these thing are, it’s mind bending. Borderline nauseating as a passenger. It bends gravity, he had a hat sitting on his lap and it just slowly started floating and went up to his chest and stuck there as we were accelerating.

Fit and finish was great, the new interiors are great and price appropriate, everything felt solid, build quality is good. Not a huge fan of auto doors though they didn’t work very well. The yoke is awesome, I wasn’t sure how I’d like it but there is zero issues, got used to it immediately. I hope to be able to buy one at some point, there is just no better daily driver. That 20 minutes drive was just the most fun I’ve ever had in a car, ever.



En effet c’est vraiment chiant avoir à tout gérer avec un touchscreen avec les belles routes du Qc…

C'est pas ideal mais c'est pas la fin du monde non plus. Tu peux glisser ton doigt a gauche et a droite pour monter/descendre la temperature ou la fan etc. Tu as un scroll wheel pour le volume sur le volant. Je préfère aussi des boutons physiques, mias tous les manufacturiers sans exception sont en train d'éliminer tous les boutons physiques dans les voitures, on aura pas le choix de s'adapter. Certain le font mieux que d'autres.
Ford is sitting on a $10B pile of cash and $135B of debt. Their prospect is 10 years of stagflation, marginal growth at best, 10 years behind in EV dev and 17 years behind in AV dev.

Tesla is sitting on a $17B pile of cash, $7B of debt. Their prospect for the next 10 years is that whatever they produce is already sold and the EV market share will just keep growing. In terms of AV, they've accumulated billions of miles and 2 decades of data while the legacy auto makers were still thinking EV would never happen. Plus Tesla's margin and manufacturing method using the giga press is a massive moat that legacy auto makers will never overcome. The hurdle legacy auto makers have to overcome just to get at par with Tesla is MASSIVE. NOT impossible but extremely difficult to catch up to. In fact, a legacy auto maker would probably have to come up with a technology that would completely disrupt the EV market to surpass Tesla.

Are there any studies done on long term cost of ownership for Teslas that factors both time for repair and out of pocket repair costs? My guess is that any significant repair is nightmarish...

There's the well known case of the guy in New Jersey who ran over something and damaged a cooling port for the battery pack. Tesla quoted him $16,000 USD to fix his Model 3 because they claimed the battery needed to be completely replaced. He found a repair solution for $700 (video below). Even if he went all OEM and had Tesla do it, it was a 3 week turn around time on the repair because of how few dealers there are.

In that same vein, how many body shops are certified to work on Teslas on the island of Montreal? What's the turn around time at one of those shops on a collision repair? How much does it cost to replace and paint a rear quarter panel on a Model S?
Volant coupé en haut? Nope

C'est vraiment pas un char pour moi.

C'est moi où ya pas de bras de wiper?

Honnêtement je pensais que c'était stupide aussi avant que je l'essaie. Je me suis habitué immédiatement. Il y a un bouton près du pouce droit pour single wipe et jet, mais le contrôle des vitesses manuel se fait sur l'écran.

J'adore le yoke et je l'aurais choisis pour ma Model Y si c'était une option.
Volant coupé en haut? Nope

C'est vraiment pas un char pour moi.

C'est moi où ya pas de bras de wiper?
Shit ont a oublié de design un écran pour notre char.

Tin vla des iPad pour coller au milieux.

Shit ont a oublié le volant.

Tin j'ai des vieux volant de gaming qui traine.

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Quand je cherchais un peu d’info/review sur la BMW I4, je suis tombé sur ce vidéo d’un gars qui est impartial et pas un fanboy Tesla:

Are there any studies done on long term cost of ownership for Teslas that factors both time for repair and out of pocket repair costs? My guess is that any significant repair is nightmarish...

There's the well known case of the guy in New Jersey who ran over something and damaged a cooling port for the battery pack. Tesla quoted him $16,000 USD to fix his Model 3 because they claimed the battery needed to be completely replaced. He found a repair solution for $700 (video below). Even if he went all OEM and had Tesla do it, it was a 3 week turn around time on the repair because of how few dealers there are.

In that same vein, how many body shops are certified to work on Teslas on the island of Montreal? What's the turn around time at one of those shops on a collision repair? How much does it cost to replace and paint a rear quarter panel on a Model S?
J'ai rencontré un gars ya 2 semaines. Il as un modèle X.

Le gars fait pas mal de route et elle est pu garantie. Ya mis 20k dessus. Il as du changer 2 fois les suspension complète à 5800$ de la shot. Une lumière à 2800$ pis d'autre cossin.

Pour un char à ce prix là le cost of ownership vien cher en criss.

Il aime sont char mais il as dit que jamais il va racheter une tesla c'est pas fiable pour lui.

J'ai l'impression que les gens pogné c'est char la mais les change toute tellement rapidement qu'il ne se rende pas trop compte de sa. Je veux un char pour l'environnement mais je switch au 3 ans

Envoyé de mon SM-G998W en utilisant Tapatalk
J'ai rencontré un gars ya 2 semaines. Il as un modèle X.

Le gars fait pas mal de route et elle est pu garantie. Ya mis 20k dessus. Il as du changer 2 fois les suspension complète à 5800$ de la shot. Une lumière à 2800$ pis d'autre cossin.

Pour un char à ce prix là le cost of ownership vien cher en criss.

Il aime sont char mais il as dit que jamais il va racheter une tesla c'est pas fiable pour lui.

J'ai l'impression que les gens pogné c'est char la mais les change toute tellement rapidement qu'il ne se rende pas trop compte de sa. Je veux un char pour l'environnement mais je switch au 3 ans

Envoyé de mon SM-G998W en utilisant Tapatalk

Il y a un gars à Québec avec une model S taxi qui documentait pas mal son expérience avec sa tesla. Ca date de 2018 mais je pense qu'il l'a encore
Il y a un gars à Québec avec une model S taxi qui documentait pas mal son expérience avec sa tesla. Ca date de 2018 mais je pense qu'il l'a encore

I didn't watch the video, so perhaps I missed something, but I don't see anything in the written article, or anything linked directly that provides any documentation. Based on the written article his early model Tesla only costs him whatever the Hydro Quebec rates are, no mention of ownership costs.... not even tires. 300k km on our roads and climate and everything is still the way it rolled off the production line?
I didn't watch the video, so perhaps I missed something, but I don't see anything in the written article, or anything linked directly that provides any documentation. Based on the written article his early model Tesla only costs him whatever the Hydro Quebec rates are, no mention of ownership costs.... not even tires. 300k km on our roads and climate and everything is still the way it rolled off the production line?

Aucune idée, au pire tu peux lui demander directement sur twitter, il a l'air rendu a 410 000km!!
J'ai rencontré un gars ya 2 semaines. Il as un modèle X.

Le gars fait pas mal de route et elle est pu garantie. Ya mis 20k dessus. Il as du changer 2 fois les suspension complète à 5800$ de la shot. Une lumière à 2800$ pis d'autre cossin.

Pour un char à ce prix là le cost of ownership vien cher en criss.

Il aime sont char mais il as dit que jamais il va racheter une tesla c'est pas fiable pour lui.

J'ai l'impression que les gens pogné c'est char la mais les change toute tellement rapidement qu'il ne se rende pas trop compte de sa. Je veux un char pour l'environnement mais je switch au 3 ans

Ça fait aussi un bail que c'est connue que le Model X est le char à pas acheter chez Tesla à moins d'avoir du cash à balancer par les fenêtres pour satisfaire son égo...
tesla sells you the idea you are green but your far from it

wait till they start controlling how much you are allowed to drive and start shutting ppls cars down just cause they can
tesla sells you the idea you are green but your far from it

wait till they start controlling how much you are allowed to drive and start shutting ppls cars down just cause they can

EVs are much better for the environment if they're charged in a renewables grid like Quebec. Still slightly greener even if charged in gas fired grid, probably not much better on coal grid. But overall personal transport is only like 6% of CO2 emissions worldwide so even if everyone turns to EVs, it's not that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.

But on your second point, pretty much every new car sold today has a modem/data connection and geolocating device that can/is fully tracked by manufacturers. Not just EVs. GM has had the "shut off engine" feature as part of OnStar for years, I remember it being marketed as a safety feature in case of vehicle pursuits years ago. What you're saying is quite a possibility in the near future, even more so with gas cars as enviro zealots could push to restrict "evil" gas car use. I hope that the population will push back if something like this happens.
tesla sells you the idea you are green but your far from it

wait till they start controlling how much you are allowed to drive and start shutting ppls cars down just cause they can

Elon would never do that. He's a champion of Free Speech and all that ;)
Man red teg tu as bu le kool aid solide. Elon te paye pour répondre a chaque post pour défendre?

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Man red teg tu as bu le kool aid solide. Elon te paye pour répondre a chaque post pour défendre?

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

Voyons donc mon dernier post à meme pas rapport à tesla. Lol

Je pense qu’il y a simplement beaucoup de bullshit sur les véhicules électriques, d’un bord comme de l’autre. J’ai justement souligné que les émissions de co2 des véhicules de promenade sont presque négligeables à travers le monde.

Est-ce que j’ai tort?

Aussi, j’ai partis le thread donc oui j’y porte plus d’attention.

De ton côté tu ne manque pas une occasion de basher Tesla non plus, en a tu déjà même conduit une?
EVs are much better for the environment if they're charged in a renewables grid like Quebec. Still slightly greener even if charged in gas fired grid, probably not much better on coal grid. But overall personal transport is only like 6% of CO2 emissions worldwide so even if everyone turns to EVs, it's not that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.

But on your second point, pretty much every new car sold today has a modem/data connection and geolocating device that can/is fully tracked by manufacturers. Not just EVs. GM has had the "shut off engine" feature as part of OnStar for years, I remember it being marketed as a safety feature in case of vehicle pursuits years ago. What you're saying is quite a possibility in the near future, even more so with gas cars as enviro zealots could push to restrict "evil" gas car use. I hope that the population will push back if something like this happens.

Actually it’s much higher than that in urban areas. Much much higher. Talking globally you are within norm at 6-10% but in urban areas especially dense urban areas like London, NYC etc its huge. Gas cars in EU are starting to have particulate filters like diesel to lower particulate emissions in cities. Start stop was not so much about lowering CAFE but also lowering emissions in the city. If you can get 20-30% of overall traffic to EV (buses, trucks, cars) it will be a HUGE improvement

This is not even talking about better quality of life from less noise as well. Trucks and buses are loud as hell. To me that’s the often overlooked part.

In London there was a measurable difference when taxis started switching to EV on a year by year basis. This was a damning report on them

The huge problem with Ev will be recycling them which won’t be cost effectively locally

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