Et voilà!! C'est commencé... Les syndiqués vandalisent l'Hotel de Ville de Montréal

pi le fait que ca soit une "stratégie politique" ca nous donne pas le droit d'être d'accord avec cette "stratégie politique"?

La raison pour laquelle les membres sont d'accord, c'est parce qu'ils sont tannés/outré/frustré de payer une meilleure retraite à du monde qui travail souvent moins et moins fort qu'eux pour l'atteindre, pas à cause qu'ils pensent que ca va regler tous les problèmes de Quebec d'un seul coup.

Inb4 tu généralise el gros, on travail tous plus fort que toé, on é pompiez nou ôte
Liberals are announcing a surplus in 3 years. If the province was in the hole as you and they claim that would be impossible.

They're fucking everyone in the ass now, but in three years (during election year) they're going to cut taxes and everyone will see them as heroes, and vote them in again, while Couillard and Gaetan Barettes managed to shove their dicks so far up everyone's ass that people just don't feel it anymore.

Don't kid yourself, all these cuts are nothing more than a political strategy rather than doing what's best you, public or private workers.

Des surplus PRÉVUS. Tu sais tres bien que ca va virer en marde plus rapidement que la durée de vie d'un moteur impreza 2.0.
Liberals are announcing a surplus in 3 years. If the province was in the hole as you and they claim that would be impossible.

They're fucking everyone in the ass now, but in three years (during election year) they're going to cut taxes and everyone will see them as heroes, and vote them in again, while Couillard and Gaetan Barettes managed to shove their dicks so far up everyone's ass that people just don't feel it anymore.

Don't kid yourself, all these cuts are nothing more than a political strategy rather than doing what's best you, public or private workers.

What do you propose as an alternative for future generations already born into debt? We all know governments can't manage anything, what is your alternative? BTW, the issue is not limited to Quebec.
Pas facile etre pompier sérieux. Tu doit passer des journées assi sur une chaise en face de la station au soleil avec tes chums les ambulanciers qui se tiennent souvent dans ton hood entre deux call.

En plus de ça tu doit t'entrainer non-stop pour garder tes pîpes pour lifter les extincteur et rester sexé quand tu te promène a plagé l'été avec ton tag de pompier sur ton t-shirt trop serré a cause de ton chesssst qui étire le spandex au maximum parce toé t'es entrainé pour sortir des body du feu et des explosions à bout de bras en retenant le plafond. Ta pension à 50 ans c'est un couteau a deux tranchant parce que apres ça t'es pogné chez vous à 45'000$ a rien faire en attendant de mourrir fack pogner pour te pogner une job de gardien de sécurité dans un parking de shop entre deux voyage a ton chalet en floride. eesssti que la vie est injuste.
Let's just keep on protesting with the unions and UQAM students to make sure the debt keeps growing bigger every second so the banks take over and turn this fucking city into Athens, PQ.
Pas facile etre pompier sérieux. Tu doit passer des journées assi sur une chaise en face de la station au soleil avec tes chums les ambulanciers qui se tiennent souvent dans ton hood entre deux call.

En plus de ça tu doit t'entrainer non-stop pour garder tes pîpes pour lifter les extincteur et rester sexé quand tu te promène a plagé l'été avec ton tag de pompier sur ton t-shirt trop serré a cause de ton chesssst qui étire le spandex au maximum parce toé t'es entrainé pour sortir des body du feu et des explosions à bout de bras en retenant le plafond. Ta pension à 50 ans c'est un couteau a deux tranchant parce que apres ça t'es pogné chez vous à 45'000$ a rien faire en attendant de mourrir fack pogner pour te pogner une job de gardien de sécurité dans un parking de shop entre deux voyage a ton chalet en floride. eesssti que la vie est injuste.

Big y font comme la majorité des pompiers a ville de Mtl , y prennent leur retraite et ensuite ce font réengager comme contractuel !
Liberals are announcing a surplus in 3 years. If the province was in the hole as you and they claim that would be impossible.

They're fucking everyone in the ass now, but in three years (during election year) they're going to cut taxes and everyone will see them as heroes, and vote them in again, while Couillard and Gaetan Barettes managed to shove their dicks so far up everyone's ass that people just don't feel it anymore.

Don't kid yourself, all these cuts are nothing more than a political strategy rather than doing what's best you, public or private workers.

ya, surplus. Meanwhile we're still close to 300 billion $ in debt.
Évidament, ils vont syphoné le plus d'argent possible des contribuables avant de prendre leur trou....

QUÉBEC - La Fédération indépendante des syndicats autonomes (FISA) a déposé, mardi, des procédures judiciaires devant la Cour supérieure du Québec pour contester la légalité du projet de loi 3 sur les régimes de retraite des employés municipaux.

Le président de la FISA, Jean Gagnon, a indiqué qu'il réfléchissait également à la possibilité de présenter une injonction interlocutoire pour suspendre l'application de la réforme des retraites, qui a été adoptée la semaine dernière à l'Assemblée nationale.
Liberals are announcing a surplus in 3 years. If the province was in the hole as you and they claim that would be impossible.

They're fucking everyone in the ass now, but in three years (during election year) they're going to cut taxes and everyone will see them as heroes, and vote them in again, while Couillard and Gaetan Barettes managed to shove their dicks so far up everyone's ass that people just don't feel it anymore.

Don't kid yourself, all these cuts are nothing more than a political strategy rather than doing what's best you, public or private workers.

You are new to politics, right? Liberals have been saying that since about 2005... ''Yeah yeah we'll be at deficit zero in 3 years''. Since then they have postponed this deadline every single year. I don't belive it and won't believe it until it's actually true and for more than a year in a row.
We actually have a law in place ("loi sur l'equilibre budgetaire" which was put in place in 1996) which aims at achieving "deficit zero" whereby if the government does not achieve it in a given year, it would have to add the "deficit" to its bill and reimburse it the next year.

The reality is that we've been running deficits since then and this law is one of the most amended laws. It used to be a big deal a few years ago, now it gets amended without people making a fuss.

Yesterday morning, I had the chance to attend a special breakfast with the minister of finance... he tried to act very convinced that we will reach deficit zero by 15-16, but I have my doubts on that. Especially with reduced GDP growth estimates across the world and the meltdown in oil prices.

He also mentioned his "levers" for the quebec economy to return to growth. One of these levers are exports fueled by a weak C$. In theory it makes sense, but Quebec is not what it used to be and its manufacturing sector sucks. Wages are too high, we're too highly unionized, it's a very different pictures from the US where factories are coming back and workers want to work at market-driven wages.

Another funny thing - I don't understand why our government keeps hurting the education sector. That should be our #1 lever for growth, we need to be educated and transform our economy. Let's stop thinking about short-term actionability, if QC wants to succeed, it needs to invest in its future.
Another funny thing - I don't understand why our government keeps hurting the education sector. That should be our #1 lever for growth, we need to be educated and transform our economy. Let's stop thinking about short-term actionability, if QC wants to succeed, it needs to invest in its future.

yup, because emerging markets are providing a more and more educated worker base capable of competing in more and more fields. We HAVE to keep an edge there or else we WILL be fucked.
FYI : I am preparing a contract where an Indian company is going to be subcontracting us (in Canada) for engineering work....