Weird shit happening in my apartment..

theres a troll hiding in the locker **:run:

un esprit qui vien te couper les cheveux pendant la nuit depuis juillet et ta tout dropper ca la.

Est-ce que ca semble aller sur ta tete ?
so there's no dead body ou somthing?? booo :( nah hahaha i'm joking i hope these shit will of my friend had some shit like this in his appartment too...but it wasn't hair...he had physical thing like scratches and ''echimose'' i dont know in english :p and his clock always stop at 3:30 am(supposed to be demons hour) These fucking thing r real cuz i was with him one night and we both saw a fken shadow in the door it had no face...we tought it was a thief but we ran at the door(he lives at the second) and we saw nobody we heard nothing...kinda freaking...the worst thing in this story is that when the women that lived under him leaved the place she went to see him and she telled him to get out of this place cuz somthing bad was going to happen to him...then he tried to purify the place with a prayer and holy water but he wasnt able to say the last 3 words of the if he had no voice(i was with him) aww i hat this lol.....
^^ holy shit I'm nailing wood panels to my door..

man if its my pubs, thats a lifetime supply of my pubs.
someone is clearly fuckign with u and its working lol

lol I've been home for the past week because of my injured foot, no one comes in without me knowing! My brother wouldn't make that kind of joke, he's more freaked out than I am actually lol
Mets une caméra ou une web cam live qui "stream" sur BLOG TV ou JUSTIN TV et enregistre en même temps. Ça pourrait être intéressant à checker... Sinon appelle tes amis et jouez au OUIJA. Il est important de bien respecter les règles du jeu.
Just tell your brother to stop f*cking around with you and hairs should stop "appearing" out of no where.

Exactly what i thought.

It's probably your brother who is playing a little joke, especially if it looks like human hair. If it was an animal i don't think it would be in a neat little pile like this don't you? You may have rats, but i think this pile of hair thing was a joke.

You should consider moving out of this apartment.
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ca ressemble plutot a une sorte d'isolant fibreux qui date de 40-50 ans, c'est de couleur noir-brun , les souris et mulot utilise ca pour faire leur nid, y'en sortent beaucoup des murs et des plafonds