Weird shit happening in my apartment..

Mets une caméra ou une web cam live qui "stream" sur BLOG TV ou JUSTIN TV et enregistre en même temps. Ça pourrait être intéressant à checker... Sinon appelle tes amis et jouez au OUIJA. Il est important de bien respecter les règles du jeu.

Lool Film en explorant tout les petits racoin de cette piece et tu va peu etre trouver quelque chose d'interessant. Apres sa tu mets sa sur le net et tu deviens célèbre.
Lol @ Troll: Harry Potter and Harry Potter Jr.... so the kid DID procreate and travel in time...
ca ressemble plutot a une sorte d'isolant fibreux qui date de 40-50 ans, c'est de couleur noir-brun , les souris et mulot utilise ca pour faire leur nid, y'en sortent beaucoup des murs et des plafonds

BON! Ça, ça me rassure! lol.. Ca pourrait p-e etre ca, mais pourquoi accumuler ça devant ma porte? C'est comme une provocation...?

Je suis convaincu que ce n'est pas mon frère, ceux qui le connaissent savent que ce n'est pas son genre et il n'aurait pas étiré une joke aussi longtemps, au point de lui-même procrastiner d'aller mettre la poubelle dans la ruelle (il faut passer par la lol) et que moi je peux a peine marcher pour l'instant.

lol @ live webcam, faudrait une webcam infra-rouge
ca ressemble plutot a une sorte d'isolant fibreux qui date de 40-50 ans, c'est de couleur noir-brun , les souris et mulot utilise ca pour faire leur nid, y'en sortent beaucoup des murs et des plafonds

ahah j'en avais autour de ma fenetre de salle de bain...j'pensais que c'était des poils de chevaux lol

entk la finition de ton appart est spé parait que c'est vieux!
solage en pierre, boutisse de brique, ca date de 80 ans certain... tu dois avoir de la miofe dans les murs, un isolant qui resemble a des cheveux, hautement allergene pour certaine personne, j'en ai oter quelque fois heureusement ca me fesait rien... Dans le temps ils isolaient avec a peut pret n'importe quoi...
Nope.. upon further investigation, I noticed some of that dark hair between the storage door and wall, and it seems it might be some kind of isolation material, just like someone mentioned earlier. There's not a lot though. I just need to understand why its been taken out and accumulated in front of my door. I know the storage room is cold and the only source of heat would be from under the door but do rats actually nest? If yes, then I guess the mistery is solved... until then I'm a bit perplexed...

On a side note, a friend came to pick me up earlier (I still can't walk properly), he came in and went out again to wait for me in the car. While I was getting ready in my room, I heard a whistle in the corridor as if my friend was telling to hurry up. I called his name and didn't get an answer... Wtf... I met him in the car and asked him if he whistled at some point and.. he didn't. I was home alone (my brother wasn't hiding in the closet, trying to prank me) but I guess from all the freak happenings I might of just imagined the whistle...
Nope.. upon further investigation, I noticed some of that dark hair between the storage door and wall, and it seems it might be some kind of isolation material, just like someone mentioned earlier. There's not a lot though. I just need to understand why its been taken out and accumulated in front of my door. I know the storage room is cold and the only source of heat would be from under the door but do rats actually nest? If yes, then I guess the mistery is solved... until then I'm a bit perplexed...

On a side note, a friend came to pick me up earlier (I still can't walk properly), he came in and went out again to wait for me in the car. While I was getting ready in my room, I heard a whistle in the corridor as if my friend was telling to hurry up. I called his name and didn't get an answer... Wtf... I met him in the car and asked him if he whistled at some point and.. he didn't. I was home alone (my brother wasn't hiding in the closet, trying to prank me) but I guess from all the freak happenings I might of just imagined the whistle...

lol wow you are courageous man I would've burned that house long time ago