Black is beautiful

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What? germany has a huge hip hop scene sorry to burst your bubble.

even asia is starting a big movement.
well china and japan.
Korea already had his hip hop movement 10+ years ago
Richard Martineau est un retardé. Il donne juste des exemples pour appuyer son ideologie xenophobe. Je peux vous sortir des contre-exemples a tous arguments. C'est un mauvais journaliste, alarmiste sans-fondement. Mais personne va se plaindre vu qu'il ecrit pour le Journal de Montreal et que la plupart du monde qui lit ce journal est probablement du meme bord que lui...

Can you go ahead and show us your oh so grand magnitude of knowledge.
si on ferais la meme chose dans leur pays d'origine on se ferais exterminer a coup de mitraillette
Can you go ahead and show us your oh so grand magnitude of knowledge.

Please stop being so arrogant. It's getting old.

I'm going to quote each paragraph and destroy his arguments:

Qui sont les héros des Américains depuis quelques années ? Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Barack Obama, Will Smith, Beyoncé, Kanye West, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Oprah Winfrey...

Ce sont juste de celebrités. Ce ne sont pas plus des "héros" que: Paris Hilton, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Sarah Palin, ...

Tout ce qui est associé aux Noirs (le hip-hop, le rap, le basket-ball, la boxe) est cool. Tout ce qui est associé aux Blancs (le rock, la musique western, la culture lounge, la lutte) est quétaine.

"Cool" celon qui? La majorité de la population (les personnes de plus de 16 ans) ne trouve pas tout ca cool. Les listes qu'il donne ne sont pas complete malgre qu'il dit "tout". S'il voulait etre concis il aurait ajouté a liste des noirs: les crimes, la violence, le manque d'education, la prostitution juvénile, la drogue (je ne suis pas en train de dire que les noirs sont des criminels, je dit que ce sont des choses qui sont associés aux noirs dans les mentalités occidentales). Pas si cool que ca... Et a la liste des blancs il oublie que la music western est la musique la plus populaire aux USA. Il oublie aussi le hockey, le football americain, le soccer, les raves, les courses, le tuning, ...

Même la criminalité a l'air plus cool quand elle est noire ! Non, c'est vrai -nommez-moi un designer qui s'inspire du look des Hells pour créer des vêtements... Il n'y en a pas.

Qui sont les gangsters les plus populaires? Tony Montana dans Scarface, Al Capone, Don Corleone et cie. dans Le Parrain, etc... Tous des blancs.

Les bedaines de bière, les bottes de cow-boy et les t-shirts noirs avec des squelettes n'excitent plus personne alors que les casquettes, les chandails extra-larges et les pantalons avec le fond qui pendouille font des ravages dans les cours d'école.

Encore une fois, il ne devrais pas juger la culture d'un pays par ce qui se passe dans les cours d'ecole. Le monde evolue apres l'ecole primaire.
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait des marques qui sont en train de devenir super populaire comme Ed Hardy, Dom Rebel, Von Dutch, Afflication, etc... baser sur la culture rock/punk, avec des designs de tatoo, des tetes de morts, etc...

Les Blacks réinventent le paysage culturel, ils le transforment, le transmutent alors que les Blancs s'accrochent encore aux fantômes d'Elvis, des Beatles et de Frank Sinatra.

On pourrais dire l'inverse et ca n'aurait pas plus de validité que ce qu'il dit. Toutes les cultures evoluent. Peut-etre il parle de lui-meme :dunno:

Le dernier grand mouvement culturel blanc est le grunge, et il date du milieu des années 1980, pour vous dire...

Il detruit sont propre en argument en disant ca. Au debut il dit que la culture blanche n'as plus d'avenir parce qu'il y a un gros mouvement de culture noire. Comment ce mouvement a pu se developper s'il y avait deja un gros mouvement de culture blanche dans les années 1980? Pourquoi il n'y aurait pas un autre mouvement qui viendrais deloger ce mouvement noir?

Voila, le reste de son article est juste une attaque basse a la Ligue des Noirs. Et une conclusion plate.
hip hop is big in france, germany, spain, it's in london.

I'm not doubting that, what I do put in question is in status compared to our current mainstream vision of Hip-Hop.

It is big, however it is certainly not the biggest amonst the most easily influenced social group, teens. Whereas in America, it is.

How can you explain more white boys listen to Hip-Hop then blacks actually do?

Martineau has a point, being black, thug"ish", violent, using slangs is consdered cool amongst teens.

His attack on the Ligue Des Noirs is justified and he's trying, weakly I'll admit, to draw up a picture of how it would be if Whites did the same.
I'm not doubting that, what I do put in question is in status compared to our current mainstream vision of Hip-Hop.

It is big, however it is certainly not the biggest amonst the most easily influenced social group, teens. Whereas in America, it is.

How can you explain more white boys listen to Hip-Hop then blacks actually do?

Martineau has a point, being black, thug"ish", violent, using slangs is consdered cool amongst teens.

His attack on the Ligue Des Noirs is justified and he's trying, weakly I'll admit, to draw up a picture of how it would be if Whites did the same.

euro hip hop is what US hip hop was in the 90's, The US hip hop has been transformed into a marketing machine for dumb ppl called rap or bubble gum rap or plain ol retardation.

except for the few who still spit hip hop , rap is really sucking .
I'm not doubting that, what I do put in question is in status compared to our current mainstream vision of Hip-Hop.

It is big, however it is certainly not the biggest amonst the most easily influenced social group, teens. Whereas in America, it is.

How can you explain more white boys listen to Hip-Hop then blacks actually do?

Martineau has a point, being black, thug"ish", violent, using slangs is consdered cool amongst teens.

His attack on the Ligue Des Noirs is justified and he's trying, weakly I'll admit, to draw up a picture of how it would be if Whites did the same.

martineau doesn't have a point cause his point states that slang or acting thugish came form the black, which in reality most thugish acts or slang and the style of wearring baggy pants comes from prison.
- baggy pants - prison
latinos with the shirt with one button tied - prison
doo rag - prison
shoes without shoe laces - prison

and everybody wants to be a bad ass at some point. hence why teens dig that gangster shit.
euro hip hop is what US hip hop was in the 90's, The US hip hop has been transformed into a marketing machine for dumb ppl called rap or bubble gum rap or plain ol retardation.

except for the few who still spit hip hop , rap is really sucking .

100% right, Martineau isn't attacking the music, he doesn't even make mention of it, what he does attack is the marketing machine and how it portrays vile and derogative messages as being trendy and socially acceptable and he tries to make a parallel as to how this does not happen within the caucasian culture and if it did, people would be outraged.
martineau doesn't have a point cause his point states that slang or acting thugish came form the black, which in reality most thugish acts or slang and the style of wearring baggy pants comes from prison.
- baggy pants - prison
latinos with the shirt with one button tied - prison
doo rag - prison
shoes without shoe laces - prison

and everybody wants to be a bad ass at some point. hence why teens dig that gangster shit.

And who makes up nearly 90% of inmates in the US?
Who picked up this trend and made it cool?

See where he's going?
And who makes up nearly 90% of inmates in the US?
Who picked up this trend and made it cool?

See where he's going?

don't blame the prisoners blame the media, blame hollywood. it's not like u have or had a choice in prison to get a size 38 prison pants n ur a size 34...
don't blame the prisoners blame the media, blame hollywood. it's not like u have or had a choice in prison to get a size 38 prison pants n ur a size 34...

Correct, prisoners didn't mean to start a trend, yet it all comes down to bigger social problem surrounding afro-americans in the US. It's a pretty big and vicious circle. Martineau only scratched a part of it, which is his job btw, get more attention with his "Montée de lait".
J'aime bien plus être entouré de noirs, indiens, chinois ... J'aime notre société multicolore. Anyone who feels threatened by other nationalities is living in a bubble and needs to wake up. And who gives a shit if we're outnumbered, what makes us so special that we need to outnumber visible minorities? We're all human, and we all equally selfish ...
100% right, Martineau isn't attacking the music, he doesn't even make mention of it, what he does attack is the marketing machine and how it portrays vile and derogative messages as being trendy and socially acceptable and he tries to make a parallel as to how this does not happen within the caucasian culture and if it did, people would be outraged.

again, marketing, the media. as far as the 70's blacks always been portrayed as "kool". who doesn't wanna be kool?

Shit prime example is kanye west, he brought back white 80's fashion clothes and now everybody is wearing the blinders shades.

blacks wants whut whites have, whites want to be accepted by blacks. that's my theory.
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