Tremblant Photoshoot! May 13!

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:D Thanks for the support Mike, this cruise is going to have 2 .:R's! Sickness! Screw the chokers, I'm soooo excited!
I swear, it has nothing to do with the .:Rs :p

I'm actually getting a friend to drive a bit before we go speedy speedy off the highway so I can get some nice video :)
je vais etre la sur mais je vait arriver pas mal short pour 1h, croyez vous que vous pouvez pousser lheure un petit peu ca en aiderai pas mal beaucoup a diné avec leur moman
I am a choker... my mom is arriving 7am on Monday, I will have to clean my place and fix some stuffs... :argue:

There is always next time... :p
lol I'm already doubting this time, why would I want to re-organize this shit again? We'll see how useless it is.
Entuka moi jva etre la, jva arriver short mais jva arriver. Jmexx jpeut tu te laisser mon cell, si je suis pas arriver quand vous partez, tu mapellera pis jte dirai si je suis a coté. Ca me tente pas de partir rapidement du diner pis darriver puis que vous soyez parti
The point is that people knew this a month ago. Unless no one knows when mother's day is, there's no real excuse.

Anyways, I don't care.
jon you stay sexy and dont worry about it. We`re gona have a ball no matter what. Just changed some shit on my car so ive been wating for this shoot all week. Just got the badgeless grill and the vr lip.
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